22:36 uur 28-10-2019

SmartStream Introduceert een nieuwe kunstmatige intelligentiemodule om gemiste betalingen en ontvangstbewijzen te registreren

LONDEN-(BUSINESS WIRE)- SmartStream Technologies, de aanbieder van TLM® -oplossingen voor financieel Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM®), heeft vandaag een proof of concept voltooid voor een kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) en een automatische leermodule binnen de bestaande TLM Cash and Liquidity Management-oplossing voor ontvangst- en betalingsbewijzen – van essentieel belang voor elk bedrijf op het gebied van liquiditeitsrisico’s en rapportage.

Technologie die voldoet aan de marktvraag naar het voorspellen van liquiditeit is de ruggengraat van SmartStream’s intraday liquiditeitsbeheeroplossing. De volgende fase van de ontwikkeling van de oplossing is het voorspellen van de vereffening van de cashflows. SmartStream heeft samen met haar klanten gewerkt aan een proof of concept voor profilering en voorspelde intraday settlement activiteiten, waaronder gemiste betalingen en de identificatie van ontvangsten die gepland zijn voor afwikkeling binnen de huidige datum.

SmartStream Introduce a New Artificial Intelligence Module to Capture Missed Payments and Receipts

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SmartStream Technologies, the financial Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM®) solutions provider, today completed a proof of concept for an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning module within its existing TLM Cash and Liquidity Management solution for receipts and payments – essential for any business in terms of liquidity risk and regulatory reporting.

Technology that meets the market demand for forecasting liquidity has been the backbone of SmartStream’s intraday liquidity management solution. The next phase of the solution’s development is about predicting the settlement of cash-flows. SmartStream has been working on a proof of concept with its clients for profiling and predicted intraday settlement activity, which includes missed payments and receipts identification planned for settlement within current date. Cash management teams will gain greater visibility into the payment process and manage liquidity risk more efficiently, minimising the potential of payments being missed.

Andreas Burner, Chief Innovation Officer, SmartStream, states: “This proof of concept is clearly another important step towards ensuring that our clients are keeping pace with what the regulators are demanding – and in particular the questioning of a bank’s position and the management of its outstanding balances. By combining our recent achievements in AI with SmartStream’s many years of experience in this area, the Vienna-based Innovation Lab developed this new AI cash and liquidity prediction module. The technology continuously learns data patterns so the service continues to improve and become more efficient”.

The new TLM Cash and Liquidity Management, AI and machine learning module is an important development for any financial institution with a treasury department, with its ability to predict when credit is going to arrive; giving the treasurer more control over cash-flows. The proprietary algorithm uses the data and predicts the forecasted settlement time of receipts on an intraday basis. The core of the module is underpinned by sophisticated machine learning technology that continuously improves, meaning the predictions become more accurate and treasurers can make more informed decisions.

Nadeem Shamim, Head of Cash & Liquidity Management, SmartStream, says: “Things are going to get tighter in terms of managing liquidity. Collateral is expensive, capital is expensive and there is currently a big drive to reduce excessive use of capital – this is an area where AI and predictive analytics can manage liquidity buffers more efficiently and that can result in significant savings”.

AI and machine learning provide the banks with the opportunity to look at reducing the liquidity buffer. The rigorous analysis of unstructured data and learned settlement predictions reduces costs. It also offers another tool that can be used to mitigate the impact of reputational risk as it relates to the ability to meet payment obligations by allowing greater visibility into exposure limits with predicted forecasting. The new SmartStream user interface enables users to drill down into individual cash-flows.



For further information

Mark Roth, CMO, SmartStream – New York

Tel: (646) 244-5097

Email: mark.roth@smartstream-stp.com

Nathan Gee, Marketing Director, SmartStream – London

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7898 0630

Email: nathan.gee@smartstream-stp.com

Shamira Alidina, Media Relations Director, Dina Communications

Tel +44 (0) 7801 590718

Email: shamira@dinacomms.com

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