12:24 uur 12-11-2018

Kymeta brengt naadloze connectiviteit naar AfricaCom met nieuwe zakenpartnerschappen


Het in Redmond gevestigde communicatiebedrijf en zeven van zijn wereldwijde partners gaan naar Kaapstad om de levensvatbaarheid van flat panel satellietantenneoplossingen onderweg te demonstreren

Kymeta – het communicatiebedrijf dat de belofte van wereldwijde, mobiele satellietcommunicatie waarmaakt – zal statische demonstraties en live rijdemonstraties van Kymeta oplossingen aanbieden bij AfricaCom, dinsdag t/m donderdag, 13-15 november 2018.

Zeven van de globale partners van Kymeta zullen een presentatie bij de show geven. Verschillende van deze partners zullen stands en live demonstraties voor de media en beursdeelnemers organiseren: Intelsat (stand D60) en Stratosat (stand C191) zullen live rijdemonstraties organiseren in voertuigen die zijn uitgerust met de Kymeta™ terminal, waarbij betrouwbare high-throughput communicatie onderweg wordt gedemonstreerd met een elektronisch gestuurde, lichtgewicht, eenvoudig te installeren satellietantenne.

Kymeta Takes Seamless Connectivity to AfricaCom with New Business Partnerships


Redmond-based communications company and seven of its global partners head to Cape Town to demonstrate viability of flat panel satellite antenna solutions on-the-move

Kymeta—the communications company making good on the promise of global, mobile satellite communications—will offer static demonstrations and live driving demonstrations of Kymeta solutions at AfricaCom, Tues-Thurs, November 13-15, 2018.

Seven of Kymeta’s global partners will have a presence at the show. Several of these partners will host stands and live demonstrations for the media and tradeshow attendees: Intelsat (stand D60) and Stratosat (stand C191) will host live driving demonstrations in vehicles mounted with the Kymeta™ terminal, demonstrating reliable high-throughput communications on-the-move with an electronically steered, lightweight, easy to install satellite antenna. iDirect (stand D35A) and Talia (stand D31) will host informational sessions throughout the duration of the show, and ELB, Qkon, and Blue Sky Satellite will be in attendance.

“Seamless, reliable connectivity is critical in places such as South Africa, and the rest of the African continent, where remote sites heavily rely on communications systems for safety and business operations,” said Neville Meijers, chief commercial officer and executive vice president, Kymeta. “We are excited to come to AfricaCom and introduce our technology to this geographic region. We look forward to becoming part of the connectivity solution for the future of telecoms in Africa.”

About Kymeta

The world’s demand for ubiquitous mobile connectivity is irrefutable. A global, mobile network is the answer to connecting people and places that have never been connected before.

Kymeta is making seamless, always-connected mobile communications possible with a unique hybrid approach that enables satellite and cellular networks to deliver a single, global, mobile network. End-to-end mobile communications are delivered with Kymeta KĀLO™ connectivity services, and the world’s first and only electronically-steered, flat-panel satellite terminal that goes places traditional satellite dishes cannot. Backed by U.S. and international patents and licenses, the Kymeta KyWay™ terminal makes high-throughput, mobile communications possible in cars, trains, buses, trucks, boats, and much more.

If it moves, Kymeta keeps it connected.

For more information, visit kymetacorp.com and KALO.net.


Business Inquiries for Kymeta:
Kymeta Corporation
Sam Christensen
+1 425.658.8703
Media Inquiries for Kymeta:
The Summit Group
Melanie McBride
Vice President, Content and PR
+1 801.990.8464

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