15:26 uur 30-06-2022

Door gebruik te maken van de kracht van de cloud, helpt Managed File Transfer organisaties bij het moderniseren en leveren van waarde in een altijd actieve wereld

De nieuwste MFT-release van Axway biedt een meer innovatieve benadering van datagovernance, cloudvereisten en de behoefte aan informatiestromen om mee te schalen met het bedrijfsleven.

PHOENIX–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Axway (Euronext: AXW.PA), een leider in API-gestuurde B2B-integratie en MFT-software, is verheugd de nieuwste release van Axway Managed File Transfer (MFT) aan te kondigen, beschikbaar in zowel de Microsoft Azure en Amazon Web Services Cloud.

Aangezien de vraag naar en de complexiteit van gegevensoverdrachten blijven groeien in een postpandemische wereld, hebben bedrijven betrouwbare oplossingen nodig om de risico’s van cyberbedreigingen, verouderde systemen en een tekort aan personeel te beperken.

“Het beheren van bedrijfskritieke gegevensstromen vereist een modernere aanpak”, zegt Meetesh Patel, General Manager Managed File Transfer bij Axway. “Veel van de grootste banken, detailhandelaren en autofabrikanten ter wereld vertrouwen al op ons voor hun activiteiten. Met Axway MFT kunnen bedrijven meer gegevens op schaal beheren met beveiliging, veerkracht en snelheid, terwijl ze hun zakelijke gebruikers machtigen en voldoen aan de wettelijke en bestuursvereisten.”

Leveraging the power of the cloud, Managed File Transfer helps organizations modernize and deliver value in an always-on world

Axway’s latest MFT release offers a more innovative approach to data governance, cloud requirements, and the need for information flows to scale with business.

PHOENIX–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Axway (Euronext: AXW.PA), a leader in API-driven B2B integration and MFT software, is pleased to announce its newest release of Axway Managed File Transfer (MFT), available in both the Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services Cloud.

As the demand and complexity of data transfers continue to grow in a post-pandemic world, companies need trusted solutions to mitigate the risks of cyber threats, legacy system obsolescence, and a shortage of human resources.

“Managing mission-critical dataflows requires a more modern approach,” says Meetesh Patel, General Manager of Managed File Transfer at Axway. “Many of the largest banks, retailers, and auto manufacturers in the world already rely on us to power their operations. With Axway MFT, businesses can control more data at scale with security, resiliency, and speed while empowering their business users and satisfying regulatory and governance requirements.”

Businesses are adapting to doing business in an always-on world, and time-trusted solutions like MFT are changing as well. Thanks to Axway’s hybrid solutions, organizations can modernize their legacy data exchange channels with their ecosystem while transitioning to the cloud.

The most complete solution in the industry, Axway MFT now boasts greatly improved data visualization, self-service features, configuration, and user management. Some notable features include:

  • MFT in the Axway Managed Cloud is now available via subscription on Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services marketplaces, offering greater control over costs.
  • MFT analytics capabilities can monitor SLAs, now also giving users predictive analysis of data flow issues before they become a problem.
  • MFT Flow Manager allows central management of self-service capabilities for business users, saving costs and avoiding complexity.
  • Security and interoperability improvements for MFT SecureTransport, and enhanced performance, security, and experience with MFT Transfer CFT.

Find more details on the newest Axway MFT features here.

“Whether it’s to support cloud migration needs or provide actionable intelligence with predictive analytics,” adds Patel, “MFT should be an integrated part of an organization’s digital transformation.”

Click here to learn why cloud adoption is becoming an organizational imperative – and why it needs to include MFT and EDI/B2B solutions.

About Axway

Axway enables enterprises to securely open everything by integrating and moving data across a complex world of new and old technologies. Axway’s API-driven B2B integration and MFT software, refined over 20 years, complements Axway Amplify, an open API management platform that makes APIs easier to discover and reuse across multiple teams, vendors, and cloud environments. Axway has helped over 11,000 businesses unlock the full value of their existing digital ecosystems to create brilliant experiences, innovate new services, and reach new markets. Learn more at axway.com.


Todd Holbrook

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