16:25 uur 17-05-2022

Telos biedt versnelde subsidies ter ondersteuning van Terra-ontwikkelaars

–News Direct–

De Telos-gemeenschap biedt haar medeleven en volledige steun aan de Terra-ontwikkelaars voor de ontberingen die ze hebben doorstaan tijdens deze tumultueuze periode. In het licht hiervan verwelkomt Telos alle Terra dApps om deel te nemen aan het 12 miljoen TLOS Ignite-programma voor subsidies en ondernemingen.

Het team zal applicaties van Terra dApps versnellen die hun toevlucht zoeken met investeringen, marketingondersteuning en technische assistentie. Terra-ontwikkelaars worden aangemoedigd om met het team van Telos te communiceren via Discord, Telegram, of om rechtstreeks een subsidie aan te vragen via de volgende link: https://ignite.telos.net

“We voelen mee met de getalenteerde teams en projecten die het slachtoffer zijn geworden van de ineenstorting van Terra. We weten dat velen van jullie langetermijn bouwers zijn van de Web 3-toekomst, en voor degenen die op zoek zijn naar een blockchain die jouw langetermijnvisie deelt, zul je een geweldig thuis vinden bij Telos.

Telos Offers Fast-Tracked Grants To Support Terra Developers

–News Direct–

The Telos community offers its sympathy and full support to Terra developers for the hardships endured during this tumultuous period. In light of this, Telos welcomes all Terra dApps to join the 12 million TLOS Ignite grant and ventures program.

The team will fast-track applications from Terra dApps seeking refuge with investments, marketing support, and technical assistance. Terra developers are encouraged to communicate with Telos’ team via Discord, Telegram, or apply for a grant directly through the following link: https://ignite.telos.net

“We feel for the talented teams and projects that have fallen victim to the collapse of Terra. We know many of you are long-term builders of the Web 3 future, and for those that are looking for a blockchain that shares your long-term vision, you will find an amazing home at Telos.”

AJ Dinger, Telos Head of Business Development

If the abundance of congested, pausing, and, more recently, failing blockchain networks has taught us anything, it’s that dApp developers must choose wisely when finding a home to deploy their dApps. The Telos Mainnet has been live with zero downtime since 2018, can finalize a billion transactions per day with zero carbon footprint, and is home to the world’s most robust EVM. We look forward to working with LUNA developers to help foster uncharted growth with the support of our team and a purely grassroots community.

About Telos

Live since 2018, Telos Blockchain (ticker: TLOS) is a third-generation smart contract platform that offers compatibility with Solidity, Vyper, and Native C++ smart contracts. Telos provides full EVM/Solidity support with fixed low-cost gas fees and no front running and, more uniquely, offers a path to fee-less transactions via its robust native C++ smart contract support. Even while operating as a Net Zero Blockchain, Telos still sustainably supports hundreds of millions of transactions per day, produces blocks in 0.5 second intervals (on a first-in-first-out basis, eliminating front running on the network), and securely validates transactions via a credibly neutral and globally decentralized block producer network. As a result, the Telos blockchain has the throughput needed to facilitate and scale the thriving Metaverse / Web 3.0 landscape better than any other blockchain in existence. Its performance is unrivaled in the industry and was purpose-built to offer speed, scalability, cost-effectiveness, credible decentralization, and end-user fairness. Telos harnesses its power by utilizing tight C++ on the frontend and a custom WASM runtime environment on the backend.

About The Foundation

The Telos Foundation is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization established as a promotional and funding body to advance the Telos Blockchain Network and provide support to network applications.

Contact Details

The Team


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View source version on newsdirect.com: https://newsdirect.com/news/telos-offers-fast-tracked-grants-to-support-terra-developers-388047405

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