“Tomorrow is Our Purpose” (“Morgen is Ons Doel”)
ISAE-SUPAERO lanceert zijn bedrijfsfilm
ISAE-SUPAERO onthult de bedrijfsfilm “Tomorrow is our purpose”. Deze institutionele korte film weerspiegelt het doel van ISAE-SUPAERO – zichzelf te positioneren als de wereldleider in het hoger onderwijs op het gebied van lucht- en ruimtevaarttechniek. Dit manifest breekt met de codes en de traditionele wereld van het hoger onderwijs en onderzoek; het put uit emoties om de kijker te inspireren.
Op het moment dat ISAE-SUPAERO zijn belofte nakomt
De film begint met de camera gericht op Léo Richard, ontwerper van de vliegende auto en sponsor van het afstudeerjaar 2058, die terugkeert naar de ISAE-SUPAERO campus.
In een intieme sfeer dwaalt deze afgestudeerde van de klas van 2018 rond op de campus en herontdekt de plekken. Tegelijkertijd volgt de kijker een jonge student in verschillende situaties op de campus en in de onderzoeks- en onderwijsinstellingen. De jongeman steekt een brief in een boek in de bibliotheek voordat hij zich bij zijn vriendengroep voegt. De relatie tussen de jongeman en zijn oudere zelf wordt ontwikkeld door middel van korte sequenties, totdat het verband tussen deze twee protagonisten duidelijk wordt.
“Tomorrow is Our Purpose”
ISAE-SUPAERO launches its brand film
ISAE-SUPAERO unveils its brand film “Tomorrow is our purpose”. This institutional short film reflects the aim of ISAE-SUPAERO – to position itself as the global leader in higher education in the field of aeronautical and space engineering. This manifesto breaks away from the codes and traditional world of higher education and research; it draws upon emotion to inspire the viewer.
When ISAE-SUPAERO fulfills its promise
The film begins with the camera focused on Léo Richard, designer of the flying car and sponsor of the 2058 graduate year, who has returned to the ISAE-SUPAERO campus.
In an intimate atmosphere, this graduate of the class of 2018 wanders around campus, rediscovering its sites. At the same time, the viewer follows a young student in various situations on campus and in the research and teaching faculties. The young man slips a letter into a book in the library before joining his group of friends. The relationship between the young man and his older self is developed through short sequences, until the link between these two protagonists becomes clear.
This film ends with the words “Tomorrow is our purpose”, which expresses the promise of ISAE-SUPAERO: give its students the keys to unlock the world of tomorrow. Created in 1909, ISAE-SUPAERO is the oldest aeronautical engineering school in the world. Its alumni include pioneers and visionaries such as Pierre Satre, father of the Caravelle and Henri Coanda, designer of the jet plane; inventors – Henry Potez, inventor of the aerial propeller, explorers – the astronauts Jean-François Clervoy and Thomas Pesquet, as well as major industrialists such as Marcel Dassault, founder of the Dassault Group, Jacqueline Cohen-Bacrie, chief engineer of the A350 and Charles Champion, director of the A380 program. All these individuals were driven by excellence, passion and dedicated to building the world of the future.
Support brand strategy
The whole ISAE-SUPAERO community (students, alumni, teachers, partners, guardians, etc.) has been involved, over several months, in the reflection process in order to capture the values, reputation and true essence of the institute.
Film technical credits:
Production: Bproduction
Director: Lucie Fièvre
Directory of photography: Pierre Audric Gadeau
Creative director: Cédric Gavillet
Production director: Benjamin Girard
Music: Julien Costa
The original source-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the source-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181107005574/en/
Cécile Mathey
Tel.: +33141113541
Cell: +33612924468