11:25 uur 18-03-2021

Goldman Sachs selecteert Moody’s ESG Solutions Dataset over soevereine klimaatrisico’s

LONDEN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Moody’s ESG Solutions Group heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat Goldman Sachs Asset Management (Goldman Sachs) soevereine klimaatrisicoscores heeft geselecteerd, mogelijk gemaakt door Moody’s dochteronderneming Four Twenty Seven voor gebruik bij de ESG-evaluatie van soevereine risico’s. De dataset geeft een gedetailleerd beeld van de toekomstige blootstelling van de wereldbevolking, de economie en de landbouw aan een reeks fysieke klimaatrisico’s.

Aangezien de impact van klimaatfactoren zoals hogere temperaturen, droogte, stijgende zeespiegel en extremere weersomstandigheden naar verwachting in de loop van de tijd zal toenemen, zal Goldman Sachs de dataset gebruiken als input voor zijn eigen Sovereign ESG-raamwerk. Deze beoordeling van de blootstelling aan klimaatrisico’s zal worden gecombineerd met een kwalitatieve analyse door de beleggingsteams van Goldman Sachs over het vermogen van landen om zich aan fysieke risico’s aan te passen.

Goldman Sachs Selects Moody’s ESG Solutions Dataset on Sovereign Climate Hazards

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Moody’s ESG Solutions Group announced today that Goldman Sachs Asset Management (Goldman Sachs) has selected Sovereign Climate Risk Scores powered by Moody’s affiliate Four Twenty Seven for use in its ESG evaluation of sovereign risk. The dataset provides a detailed view of the future exposure of the global population, the economy, and agriculture to a range of physical climate hazards.

As the impact of climate factors such as higher temperatures, drought, rising sea levels, and more extreme weather events are expected to increase over time, Goldman Sachs will use the dataset as an input to its own proprietary Sovereign ESG framework. This assessment of climate risk exposure will be combined with qualitative analysis by Goldman Sachs’ investment teams on countries’ capacities to adapt to physical risks.

“Sovereign bonds are an integral part of our fixed income portfolios, but intrinsic uncertainties make it challenging to quantify the long-term impact of climate change on countries,” said Prakriti Sofat, Executive Director at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. “Using this dataset will help us assess this evolving risk and reflect it in our investment decisions.”

The Sovereign Climate Risk Scores launched in December and are the only known dataset matching physical climate risk exposure to population location, GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) and agricultural areas within countries, with detailed metrics including both percent exposed and total amount exposed to each climate hazard. Understanding multiple dimensions of sovereigns’ exposure to floods, heat stress, hurricanes & typhoons, sea level rise, water stress and wildfires informs targeted risk management strategies.

“Understanding exposure to physical climate hazards is critical for investors and credit institutions in order to price climate risk, and also to help direct finance flows towards adaptation and resilience where they’re most needed,” says Emilie Mazzacurati, Global Head of Moody’s Climate Solutions in Moody’s ESG Solutions Group. “We’re extremely pleased that Goldman Sachs has chosen to use our new dataset to enhance its ESG evaluation of sovereign risk.”


Moody’s ESG Solutions Group is a business unit of Moody’s Corporation serving the growing global [demand for ESG and climate insights. The group leverages Moody’s data and expertise across ESG, climate risk, and sustainable finance, and aligns with Moody’s Investors Service (MIS) and Moody’s Analytics (MA) to deliver a comprehensive, integrated suite of ESG and climate risk solutions including ESG scores, analytics, Sustainability Ratings and Sustainable Finance Reviewer/certifier services. Moody’s ESG Solutions Group includes V.E and Four Twenty Seven, both affiliates of Moody’s. For more information visit Moody’s ESG & Climate Risk hub at www.moodys.com/esg


Goldman Sachs Asset Management is the asset management arm of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS), which supervises more than $1.9 trillion in assets as of December 31, 2020. Goldman Sachs Asset Management has been providing discretionary investment advisory services since 1988 and has investment professionals in all major financial centers around the world. The company offers investment strategies across a broad range of asset classes to institutional and individual clients globally. Founded in 1869, Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals.


Moody’s ESG Solutions:
Lisa Stanton

MD-Global Sales Lead/ESG

+1 (415) 874-6000


Media inquiries:
Julian Knapp

VP, Communications

+44 (207) 772-1967


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