14:07 uur 30-07-2020

Europese Commissie beschouwt CBD als verdovend, kan Stymie EU CBD-markt naar verwachting tegen 2025 € 13,6 miljard bereiken

Nieuw Frontier Data-rapport beschrijft de impact op de Europese cannabisindustrie

WASHINGTON– (BUSINESS WIRE) – New Frontier Data, de wereldwijde autoriteit op het gebied van data, analyse en business intelligence over de cannabisindustrie, in samenwerking met Deep Nature Project en Mile High Labs, brengt het derde deel uit van zijn gerichte Europese CBD-consumentenserie, EU CBD Consumer Report Series: marktgrootte en vraag. Gebruikmakend van het gepatenteerde onderzoek van New Frontier Data onder meer dan 3.000 Europese CBD-consumenten in 17 Europese landen en inzicht van de Amerikaanse CBD-markt, projecteert dit rapport dat de EU CBD-markt zal groeien met een CAGR van 10,4% tot € 13,6 miljard tegen 2025 zonder wijzigingen in de regelgeving.

De Europese Commissie (EC) heeft onlangs aanvragen voor CBD-opname in haar Novel Food-catalogus opgeschort, waarin zij stelt dat CBD en andere extracten van hennepbloemen beter gereguleerd zouden worden als verdovende middelen onder het Enkelvoudig Verdrag van de Verenigde Naties (VN) inzake verdovende middelen van 1961. Moet de “voorlopige conclusie ”staan, kunnen de implicaties voor de Europese CBD-markt niet worden overschat. De uitspraak zou het niet alleen onmogelijk maken dat de CBD-markt van Europa in zijn huidige vorm zou bestaan, maar zou ook het onderzoek en de innovatie van cannabinoïden op het hele continent beperken.

European Commission Considering CBD as Narcotic, Could Stymie EU CBD Market Projected to Reach €13.6 Billion by 2025

New Frontier Data report details impact on European cannabis industry

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– New Frontier Data, the global authority in data, analytics and business intelligence on the cannabis industry, in partnership with Deep Nature Project and Mile High Labs, releases the third volume of its targeted European CBD consumer series, EU CBD Consumer Report Series: Market Size & Demand. Leveraging New Frontier Data’s proprietary survey of over 3,000 European CBD consumers across 17 European nations and insight from the U.S. CBD market, this report projects the EU CBD market will grow at a CAGR of 10.4% to reach €13.6 billion by 2025 without regulatory changes.

The European Commission (EC) recently suspended applications for CBD inclusion in its Novel Food Catalogue, stating CBD and other extracts from hemp flowers would be better regulated as narcotics under the United Nations (U.N.) Single Convention on Narcotics of 1961. Should the “preliminary conclusion” stand, the implications for Europe’s CBD market cannot be overstated. The ruling would not only make it impossible for Europe’s CBD market to exist in its current form, but also constrict cannabinoid research and innovation throughout the continent.

“Despite existing regulatory hurdles, demand for CBD in Europe continues to grow quickly as consumers embrace this cannabinoid for medical and general wellness, creating opportunities for large Food & Beverage and Health & Beauty brands,” said New Frontier Data Founder and CEO Giadha A. DeCarcer. “This provisionary conclusion will likely trigger objections and may increase pressure to amend the U.N. Single Convention to remove cannabis from its prohibited classification. That would have implications far beyond extracts, potentially reshaping the future of higher-THC cannabis in Europe.”

Other key findings include:

  • Annual spending on CBD in the EU is expected to total an estimated €8.3 billion for 2020
  • Current annual CBD spending in Germany is estimated at €1.83 billion, the highest annual spending on CBD in the EU

The EU CBD Consumer Report Series: Market Size & Demand is available for FREE Download at: http://newfrontierdata.com/EUCBD3

About New Frontier Data:

New Frontier Data is an independent, technology-driven analytics company specializing in the global cannabis industry. It offers vetted data, actionable business intelligence and risk management solutions for investors, operators, researchers and policy makers. New Frontier Data’s reports and data have been cited in over 80 countries around the world to inform industry leaders. Founded in 2014, New Frontier Data is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with additional offices in Denver, CO and London, UK.

New Frontier Data does not take a position on the merits of cannabis legalization. Rather, its mission and mandate are to inform cannabis-related policy and business decisions through rigorous, issue-neutral and comprehensive analysis of the legal cannabis industry worldwide. For more information about New Frontier Data, please visit: https://www.NewFrontierData.com.


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Caroline Kowalski


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