11:12 uur 19-03-2020

Leiders in de cannabisindustrie wereldwijd verenigen zich om gezondheid en economische crisis aan te pakken

New Frontier Data host eerste virtuele wereldwijde stadhuis voor cannabis

WASHINGTON– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Temidden van de wereldwijde COVID-19-uitbraak en de daaropvolgende annulering van wereldwijde conferenties, verenigt New Frontier Data, de autoriteit op het gebied van gegevens, analyse en business intelligence over de wereldwijde cannabisindustrie, marktleiders uit de vier hoeken van de wereld voor een eendaagse virtuele bijeenkomst om nieuwe realiteiten te bespreken voor een van ‘s werelds snelst groeiende industrieën. Global Cannabis Town Hall: Nieuwe economische realiteiten wordt virtueel gehouden op 2 april 2020 en wordt gepresenteerd in samenwerking met internationale partners ExpoCannaBiz (Latijns-Amerika), CannaTech (Midden-Oosten en Azië-Pacific), New West Summit (Noord-Amerika), RASB Media (Europa) en CannabisBPO.

“Omdat er zo snel zoveel veranderingen plaatsvonden, voelden we ons verplicht om de wetenschappelijke en economische feiten naar voren te brengen om belanghebbenden in de sector door deze ongekende crisis te helpen”, aldus Giadha Aguirre de Carcer, oprichter en CEO van New Frontier Data. “We zullen in realtime inzicht geven in de opkomst van nieuwe regionale normen voor de wereldwijde cannabisindustrie, die naar verwachting sterk zal staan ​​te midden van de huidige sociaal-economische wereldwijde crisis.”

Cannabis Industry Leaders Worldwide Unite to Address Health and Economic Crisis

New Frontier Data Hosts First Virtual Global Cannabis Town Hall

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Amidst the global COVID-19 outbreak and ensuing cancellation of worldwide conferences, New Frontier Data, the authority in data, analytics and business intelligence on the global cannabis industry, unites industry leaders from the four corners of the globe for a one-day virtual meeting to discuss new realities for one of the world’s fastest growing industries. Global Cannabis Town Hall: New Economic Realities will be held virtually on April 2, 2020 and is presented in collaboration with international partners ExpoCannaBiz (Latin America), CannaTech (Middle East and Asia Pacific), New West Summit (North America), RASB Media (Europe) and CannabisBPO.

“With so much change happening so quickly, we felt an obligation to bring forth the scientific and economic facts to help industry stakeholders through this unprecedented crisis,” said New Frontier Data Founder & CEO Giadha Aguirre de Carcer. “We will provide real-time visibility into the emergence of new regional norms for the global cannabis industry, which is forecast to stand strong amidst the current socio-economic global crisis.”

Tim Seymour, Co-host of CNBC’s Fast Money, and Carl Cameron, former Fox News White House Correspondent, will lead and moderate discussions with regional industry experts, global economists, government regulators, scientific researchers and leading cannabis operators on the regional risks and opportunities brought on by current economic realities, specifically exploring anticipated effects on cannabis policy, regional markets and businesses. Special guest speakers, including leading cannabis genetics researcher Dr. Reggie Gaudino, will address the myths versus facts of cannabis’ and CBD’s anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects on the current coronavirus.

Topics of Discussion will include:

  • Global Cannabis Industry Socioeconomic Status in 2020
  • Impact of Coronavirus on Cannabis Markets by Region
  • Risks & Opportunities by Region
  • North America Update – Presented by New West Summit
  • Europe Update – Presented by RASB
  • Latin America Update – Presented by ExpoCannaBiz
  • Middle East & Asia-Pacific Update – Presented by CannaTech

About Global Cannabis Town Hall: New Economic Realities

Cannabis industry leaders from around the world will unite for the first time to address the impact of the ongoing health and economic crisis on April 2, 2020. For more information on this special one-day virtual event, hosted by New Frontier Data, visit our event page.


Caroline Kowalski


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