13:03 uur 16-07-2020

Enlighted voegt een toepassing voor het traceren van contactpersonen op de werkplek toe aan het IoT-platform voor bouwen

  • De nieuwe app voor het digitaal traceren van contactpersonen op de werkplek Safe stelt gegevensprivacy voorop.
  • De reeks veiligere werkplekoplossingen van Enlighted helpt de verspreiding van infecties te verminderen.
  • Het bredere IoT-platform van Enlighted helpt bedrijven om toekomstige uitdagingen het hoofd te bieden en om werkplekken veiliger te maken tijdens de pandemie.

SUNNYVALE, Californië – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Enlighted, de toonaangevende IoT-platformprovider voor gebouwen, breidt zijn bekroonde IoT-technologie uit met digitale contacttracering op de werkplek om werknemers te helpen veilig terug te keren naar productiefaciliteiten, farmaceutische laboratoria, kantoren en meer. Safe biedt digitale contactgeschiedenis voor werknemers die zelf positieve tests voor COVID-19 melden om de verspreiding van infecties te helpen verminderen, gezonde werknemers veilig en productief te houden en het vervelende, dure en foutgevoelige handmatige contacttraceringproces voor werkgevers te elimineren.

De oplossing geeft prioriteit aan gegevensprivacy zonder dat persoonlijke informatie hoeft te worden opgeslagen. Werknemers krijgen bij het betreden van de werkplek alfanumerieke ID-badges toegewezen. Wanneer een werknemer zelf zijn badge-ID en een positief testresultaat rapporteert, bevragen beheerders de Safe-applicatie, identificeren ze andere ID’s waarmee deze badge in contact is gekomen en delen ze de anonieme ID’s. Werknemers met deze badge-ID’s kunnen hun blootstelling zelf identificeren.

Enlighted Adds Workplace Contact Tracing Application to Its Building IoT Platform

  • The new workplace digital contact tracing app Safe puts data-privacy first.
  • Enlighted’s suite of safer workplace solutions assists in reducing the spread of infection.
  • Enlighted’s broader building IoT platform helps companies master future challenges in addition to making workplaces safer during the pandemic.

SUNNYVALE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Enlighted, the leading building IoT platform provider, expands its award-winning IoT technology with workplace digital contact tracing to help employees return safely to manufacturing facilities, pharmaceutical labs, offices and more. Safe provides digital contact history for employees who self-report testing positive for COVID-19 to help reduce the spread of infection, keep healthy employees safe and productive, and eliminate the tedious, expensive and error-prone manual contact tracing process for employers.

The solution prioritizes data privacy without the need for storing personal information. Employees are assigned alphanumeric ID badges while entering the workplace. When an employee self-reports their badge ID and a positive test result, administrators query the Safe application, identify other IDs this badge came in contact with and share the anonymous IDs. Employees carrying those badge IDs can self-identify their exposure.

The Enlighted solution provides employers with location and proximity data to identify who an infected employee came in contact with inside the workplace, for how long and what areas they visited. The data is used to inform employees who might be at risk of infection and also drives sanitization efforts in areas the infected employee utilized. The application’s dashboard provides information on contacts in the building to assist management in developing safer workplace strategies. Additionally, Safe identifies how many close contacts are happening in a time period and location to proactively manage risk.

Enlighted is in a unique position to provide proven safer workplace solutions for COVID-19 and beyond with its IoT technology already installed in 320 million square feet of buildings globally. Existing customers can simply add the Safe app to their IoT platform. New customers can install the Enlighted IoT system through sensors in LED lighting or through the new USB-powered surface sensor, which can be easily applied under desks or in conference rooms.

“The important role of IoT technology in buildings has been further magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Stefan Schwab, CEO of Enlighted, a Siemens company. “The Enlighted sensory system can now provide digital contact tracing. It also lays the foundation for future-proofed buildings ready to help us understand with real-time data the changing nature of our at-work experiences and meet challenges beyond COVID-19.”

Enlighted offers a suite of data-driven safer workplace solutions, assisting planners in preparing and executing physical distancing processes, enhanced sanitization and monitoring, occupancy limits and now contact tracing. The IoT platform also integrates through APIs with third-party systems to provide touchless entry, smart desk hoteling, conference room booking and more.

The Safe application is available immediately for new and existing Enlighted customers. Visit www.enlightedinc.com/contact-sales to talk with a sales representative or request a demonstration, or visit http://www.enlightedinc.com to learn about Enlighted’s full suite of workplace safety solutions.


Designed to change everything, Enlighted provides the world’s most advanced Building IoT Platform for leading commercial and healthcare organizations around the globe, with more than 320 million square feet of building space deployed to date. Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Silicon Valley, Enlighted was acquired in 2018 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Siemens Industry, Inc. as part of Siemens Smart Infrastructure. For more information about Enlighted, visit enlightedinc.com.


Ann Gargiulo


Jennifer Manocchio


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