21:33 uur 16-03-2020

Het gebruik van itslearning voor leren op afstand piekt als scholen over de hele wereld sluiten – 10.000 nieuwe aanmeldingen elke 10 minuten

itslearning vergroot de inspanningen om de capaciteit te vergroten vanwege het buitengewone aantal aanmeldingen

Deze maandag zijn scholen over de hele wereld overgestapt op volledig leren op afstand, wat heeft geleid tot een ongewoon groot aantal gebruikers van leren op afstand dat zich tegelijkertijd aanmeldt op het itslearning-platform. Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat de platformpagina’s langzamer zijn geladen dan normaal.

BERGEN, Noorwegen– (BUSINESS WIRE) – “We hebben driemaal zoveel gebruikers gehad die zich vandaag hebben aangemeld. Vanochtend, toen scholen in heel Europa volledig leren op afstand implementeerden, waren er elke tien minuten 10.000 nieuwe aanmeldingen ”, zegt Johnny Anderson, hoofd communicatie bij itslearning.

itslearning’s Remote Learning Usage Peaks as Schools Around the World Close – 10,000 New Logins Every 10 Minutes

itslearning is scaling up efforts to boost capacity due to the extraordinary number of logins

This Monday schools around the world switched to full remote learning, which has led to an unusually high number of remote learning users logging in simultaneously onto the itslearning platform. This has resulted in the platform pages loading more slowly than usual.

BERGEN, Norway–(BUSINESS WIRE)– “We have had three times as many users logging in today. This morning, as schools across Europe implemented full remote learning, there were 10,000 new logins every ten minutes,” says Johnny Anderson, Head of Communications at itslearning.

“Our engineers had already boosted capacity last week in anticipation of the surge, but when hundreds of thousands of users log in at the same time, the high volume of traffic can cause some performance issues. We are now scaling up network capacity even more to ensure no disruption.”

With more schools shutting due to the coronavirus outbreak, school leaders had naturally looked to remote learning to keep education going. However, this put a massive load on online technology providers. itslearning is therefore also advising schools to consider other measures including staggering log in times for students and reducing administrative tasks in the platform during peak hours to ensure that everyone gets the service they need.

Users can see the latest updates on the status page (status.itslearning.com). itslearning will continue to evaluate the situation and take necessary steps to boost platform performance.

Surge in interest for remote learning resources

Additionally, we have has created Remote Learning Starter Kit and Tips for Teachers pages (itslearning.com/global/be-prepared) to assist teachers and schools with the transition to remote learning. Thousands of teachers have accessed our resources pages since last week, and we’ve seen a threefold increase in people viewing our tutorial videos.

About itslearning

itslearning is Europe’s largest provider of learning management systems. Based in Bergen, Norway and Boston, MA, we serve millions of people around the world.


Johnny Anderson

itslearning Head of Communications


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