19:03 uur 18-09-2019

Upfield kondigt een strategisch partnerschap aan met Starling (Earthworm en Airbus) om satellietgegevens te benutten om hun inzet voor ontbossing te valideren

Upfield voldoet aan de doelstelling om 100% fysiek gecertificeerde duurzame palmolie in te kopen

Voorafgaand aan de doelstelling van december 2019

AMSTERDAM-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Upfield, een toonaangevende producent van plantaardige producten, kondigt vandaag een partnerschap aan met Starling om ervoor te zorgen dat Upfield’s visie voor een “Better Plant Based Future” voortdurend wordt ondersteund door innovatie op het gebied van de inkoop van ingrediënten die de waardevolle ecosystemen van de wereld beschermen en onze planeet voor toekomstige generaties beschermt.

Als reactie op de klimaatverandering en de verwoestende impact van ontbossing zet Upfield zich in voor een verantwoorde inkoop van ingrediënten, met bijzondere aandacht voor palmolie, sojaolie en papier, het doorlichten van partners om na te gaan of het Upfield-beleid wordt nageleefd en het handhaven van transparantie door het publiceren van details over de bronnen van productingrediënten. Upfield zet zich in om de transformatie van de industrie te stimuleren en ervoor te zorgen dat er geen ontbossing plaatsvindt binnen hun toeleveringsketen.

Upfield Announces Strategic Partnership with Starling (Earthworm and Airbus) to Leverage Satellite Data to Help Validate Their Commitment on No Deforestation

Upfield Meets Target to Source 100% Physically Certified Sustainable Palm Oil

Ahead of December 2019 Target

AMSTERDAM–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Today, Upfield, a leading producer of plant-based products, announced partnership with Starling to ensure their ongoing support for Upfield’s vision for a “Better Plant Based Future” drives innovation in ingredient sourcing that protect the world’s precious ecosystems and preserves our planet for future generations.

In response to climate change and the devastating impact of deforestation, Upfield is committed to responsibly sourcing ingredients, paying particular attention to palm oil, soybean oil and paper, vetting partners to verify compliance with Upfield policies and maintaining transparency by publishing details of product ingredient sources. Upfield is committed to driving industry transformation and ensuring that deforestation doesn’t take place within their supply chain.

At the beginning of the year Upfield committed to source 100% of its palm oil from physically certified, sustainable sources by December 2019 and today can announce that they have achieved this target. All the palm oil Upfield directly purchases is now 100% physically certified to RPSO standards.

“This is an important step in delivering on our palm oil policy commitments,” said Sally Smith, Head of Sustainability, “ensuring we source our directly purchased ingredients sustainably and responsibly, particularly where there is a risk of deforestation, is a priority for Upfield. There continues to be more to do.”

Upfield sources both mass balance and segregated certified palm oil and will continue to work with suppliers and farmers to increase the proportion of segregated palm oil used in its products.

Upfield also shares the concerns about the production of soy products and is working toward full transparency, collaborating with community leaders and expert third parties. Ninety-five percent of Upfield’s soybean oil is grown in the United States and Canada and is compliant with local environmental regulations. The remaining five percent is sourced from Europe and Brazil, in compliance with the Amazon Basin Soy Moratorium Zone.

Additionally, today Upfield is announcing their partnership with Starling to use their innovative satellite monitoring technology platform to further support efforts in eradicating deforestation from their supply chain. Starling, created by Airbus and Earthworm, uses high resolution imagery and radar data to monitor land cover changes.

By mapping the location of mills within the supply chain, Upfield will be able to see where deforestation continues to occur. Upfield will be piloting the system initially in Indonesia where 50% of its palm oil and 70% of the high risks mills in their supply chain are located. In 2020 they will extend its use to cover their global palm oil supply chain. And finally, they will use the information to verify compliance and to help address deforestation risks with their suppliers.

Transparency is essential in ensuring sustainable supply chains and Upfield is committed to monitor, verify and act on the insights that Starling will provide. “Only by being equipped with information about deforestation and supply chains are companies able to take proactive action to tackle deforestation and evidence progress. That is what will eventually allow consumers and investors to really see which companies are truly walking the talk,” said Bastien Sachet, CEO of Earthworm Foundation.


At Upfield, we make people healthier and happier with great tasting, plant-based nutrition products that are better for the planet. As a global plant-based company, Upfield is the #1 producer of plant-based spreads with more than 60 brands, including iconic brands Flora, Rama, Blue Band, Proactive, Becel, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter and Country Crock. With headquarters in Amsterdam, we sell our products in over 95 countries and have 17 manufacturing sites throughout the world. The company employs over 3500 Associates. Since 1871, we have been the authority in the spreads category which gives us unmatched experience, know-how and inspiration. We are focused on leading in this new era focused on delivering healthier products that are great tasting and have superior quality and helps us deliver on our mission to create “Better Plant-based Future.” For more information, please visit our website at www.Upfield.com.


Suzanne Lyons


Bridget Health

011 44 7734 681458


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