10:11 uur 25-01-2019

STSI² kiest OppScience’s bee4sense Information Insight oplossing voor Data Valorisatie

PARIJS-(BUSINESS WIRE)- OppScience, een innovatieve oplossing voor het gebruik van gegevens, kondigde aan dat de ST(SI)² (de afdeling Technologieën en Informatiesystemen van het Franse Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken), die dienst doet als de afdeling informatiesystemen voor de politie en de Nationale Gendarmerie, heeft gekozen voor het OppScience’s bee4sense Information Insight platform voor het zoeken naar en benutten van gegevens gegenereerd door onderzoekstoepassingen. Het platform is beschikbaar gesteld aan de politie en de gendarmerie om het zoeken aan de hand van meerdere criteria door middel van gerechtelijke dossiers te versnellen en te optimaliseren en zo een echte toegevoegde waarde te geven aan de opsporingsprocedures.

STSI² Chooses OppScience’s bee4sense Information Insight Solution for Data Valorisation

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OppScience, an innovative data leverage solution, announced that the ST(SI)² (the French Interior Ministry’s Technologies and Information Systems Department) which serves as the information systems department for the police and National Gendarmerie, has chosen OppScience’s bee4sense Information Insight platform to search for and harness data generated by investigation applications. The platform has been made available to police and gendarmerie services in order to accelerate and optimize multi-criteria searching through judicial records, thus bringing real added value to investigative proceedings.

“After having efficiently replaced our old TAJ (Judicial Antecedent Treatment) search system, we decided to make use of the bee4sense Information Insight platform’s latest features to meet our increasingly complex operational needs,” declared Colonel Touak, Deputy Director of ST(SI)² Information Systems. “The bee4sense Information Insight platform allows us to not only search through information, but also to generate insights from operational data thanks to its semantic engine and its ability to handle relationship graphs. The range of possibilities offered by this solution has really widened our perspectives.”

“Working with the ST(SI)², for whom data stakes are higher than ever, is a major turning point for OppScience in the world of intelligence and investigative research,” announced Guillaume Bréjaud, Director General of OppScience. “This confirms the importance of data leverage in this particular field, where the ability to obtain relevant results within a relatively urgent timeframe is extremely crucial on a daily basis.” OppScience’s bee4sense Information Insight addresses the strategic needs of large enterprises, administrations and non-governmental organizations. The platform combines Machine Learning and Automatic Language Processing algorithms with the power of a graph database.

About OppScience

In the information globalization era, where the ability to foresee risks and opportunities rests not only within data itself but also and especially the relationships between data points, OppScience innovates by proposing data leverage solutions built upon Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning and Automatic Language Processing) algorithms to generate insight, and a graph database to harness the power of data connections. These solutions accelerate the comprehension of vast volumes of information within a short timeframe, in a variety of user contexts. This empowers users to unearth the information they need to make essential decisions.

For more information: www.oppscience.com


Guillaume Bréjaud
+33 1 77 75 73 16

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