15:04 uur 21-11-2018

Manifest: Oproep voor een succesvolle overgang naar hernieuwbare energie in de transportsector

MÜNCHEN & PFORZHEIM, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Politieke koerscorrecties, gekoppeld aan de alarmerende rapporten over klimaatbescherming, hebben de organisatoren achter Power2Drive en andere onderschrijvers ertoe gebracht een manifest op te starten. Het doel is om de nauwe band tussen e-mobiliteit en hernieuwbare energiebronnen te verdiepen en een duurzame toekomst te bereiken. Het slimmere E Europe, het grootste platform voor de energie-industrie in Europa, zal het potentieel van deze combinatie van mobiliteit en schone energie aantonen, en de dringende noodzaak om meer aandacht te besteden aan sectorkoppeling.

Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier het volledige persbericht: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181121005307/en/

Manifesto: Call for a Successful Transition to Renewables in the Transportation Sector

MUNICH & PFORZHEIM, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Political course corrections, coupled with the alarming reports on climate conservation, have led the organizers behind Power2Drive and other endorsers to initiate a manifesto. The aim is to deepen the close connection between e-mobility and renewable sources of energy and achieve a sustainable future. The smarter E Europe, the largest energy industry platform in Europe, will demonstrate the potential held by this combination of mobility and clean energy, and the pressing need to pay greater attention to sector coupling.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181121005307/en/

Survey shows: Solar power for refuelling is popular (© Solar Promotion GmbH & Bundesverband Solarwir ...

Survey shows: Solar power for refuelling is popular (© Solar Promotion GmbH & Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. BSW)

The organizers behind Power2Drive have formed a strong alliance committed to the idea of a successful transition to renewable sources of energy in the transportation sector. Some of the declaration’s first signatories include the German Federal Association for eMobility (BEM), the German Association of Energy Market Innovators (bne), the German Association for Solar Mobility (BSM), the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar), the German Wind Energy Association (BWE), the International Solar Energy Society, German Section (DGS) and the International Battery & Energy Storage Alliance (IBESA).

The signatories are not only demanding a clear signal from politicians, but also a progressive and consistent approach by industry and members of the public. The alliance has formulated seven recommendations to demonstrate why a close connection between e-mobility and renewable sources of energy is absolutely essential, and wants to see the mistakes of the past serve to propel people toward decisive action today. Investments in renewable sources of energy are necessary to cope with worsening climate change, and the basis for a successful energy transition can only be established when politicians define clear parameters. Plus, if the reshaping of the transportation sector is to have a positive effect on the climate, there must be a clear focus on renewable sources of energy.

The whole manifesto can be downloaded here: https://bit.ly/2R18gPB

Power2Drive Europe and the parallel events will take place from May 15–17, 2019 under the umbrella of The smarter E Europe at Messe München.

Further information on Power2Drive Europe 2019 can be found at www.PowerToDrive.de.



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