12:53 uur 12-10-2018

24e Yiwu Fair trapt af op oktober 21-25, 2018


Een beurs die meer “gestandaardiseerd” is en de trend van grensoverschrijdende consumptie wil aanvoeren

Als een van de drie exportgoederenbeurzen, geïnitieerd door het Chinese ministerie van Handel, wordt op 21-25 oktober 2018 de 24ste China Yiwu International Commodities (Standardization) Fair (“Yiwu Fair”) gehouden in Yiwu, provincie Zhejiang. Yiwu Fair is ook de grootste en meest invloedrijke beurs voor dagelijkse benodigdheden in China. Dit jaar biedt de beurs meer dan 4.000 stands en zal er standaardisatie en grensoverschrijdende handel plaatsvinden, met naar schatting 200.000 bezoekers.

The 24th Yiwu Fair to Kick off on October 21-25, 2018



An exhibition that is more “standardized” and aims to lead the trend of cross-border consumption

As one of the three export commodities fairs initiated by China’s Ministry of Commerce, the 24th China Yiwu International Commodities (Standardization) Fair (“Yiwu Fair”), will be held in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province on October 21-25, 2018. Yiwu Fair is also the largest and most influential daily necessities exhibition in China. This year, the Fair offers over 4,000 booths and will feature standardization and cross-border trade, with an estimation of 200,000 visitors.

In order to promote exchanges and cooperation in international standardization, and to display the achievements of China’s standardization strategy, Yiwu Fair 2018 will feature made-in-China, brands of China, and standards of China.

Last year at the Fair, the first standardization exhibition was held, which gathered 47 standardization institutions including China National Institute of Standardization, Information Center of Standardization Administration, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the American Underwriters Laboratories (UL). 947 standardization cooperation intentions were reached and deals worth nearly USD 3 million were made on site.

Yiwu has become an important shared platform for Chinese goods to enter the world and international goods to enter China. Yiwu hopes to make full use of its advantages on logistics, supply sources, developed small commodity market system and the global trade network, to develop cross-border e-commerce and improve the city’s brand image, striving to build itself into a strategic fulcrum of “One Belt, One Road” initiative. At present, Yiwu has 255,000 e-commerce accounts on various platforms, of which cross-border e-commerce accounts exceed 110,000, with transaction volume accounting for 15% of the national total. In China, Yiwu ranks only next to Shenzhen in terms of density of cross-border e-commerce.

A special exhibition area for e-commerce and trade services will be presented at the Fair to cover cross-border e-commerce, e-commerce service industry, mobile Internet, and service traders.

Yiwu Fair will make full use of the city resources and the market to create a platform that integrates domestic trade, cross-border trade and media promotion.

For more information, please visit: http://en.yiwufair.com/



Yiwu Fair
Joshua Zhong, 0086-579-85415525

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