12:14 uur 13-05-2016

Glyphosate Task Force roept lidstaten op 15-jarige goedkeuringsperiode voor glyfosaat toe te passen

BRUSSEL–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Voorafgaand aan de bijeenkomst van het Permanent Comité op 18 en 19 mei, onderstreept de Glyphosate Task Force (GTF) belang van een consistente en volledige toepassing van all elementen van het wetgevende EU-raamwerk voor actieve substanties.

Op basis van een uitgebreide risicobeoordeling voorziet EU-wetgeving in een 15-jarige goedkeuringsperiode voor geautoriseerde actieve substanties.

Een beoordeling van glyfosaat door de EU wees uit dat de stof geen onacceptabel risico vormt voor de gezondheid of het milieu. Daarbij zijn meer gegevens dan ooit tevoren onderzocht, inclusief 353 nieuwe studies.



Glyphosate Task Force Urges Member States to Adopt a 15-Year Approval Period for Glyphosate


BRUSSELS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In advance of the Standing Committee meeting scheduled to take place on May 18 th and 19 th, the Glyphosate Task Force (GTF) underlines the importance of applying all elements of the EU legislative framework for the approval of active substances consistently and in full.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160512006361/en/

Maize grows amid previous crop's stubble in a field in which glyphosate was used for weed control in ... Maize grows amid previous crop’s stubble in a field in which glyphosate was used for weed control in lieu of plowing, which causes erosion. (Photo: Business Wire)

Based on the outcome of a comprehensive risk assessment, EU legislation provides for a 15-year approval period for authorised active substances.

The outcome of the EU evaluation of glyphosate concluded that it poses no unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. An unprecedented amount of data was assessed, including 353 new studies.

Mr Richard Garnett, Chairman of the GTF, said, “It is important that decisions regarding the length of approval periods granted to active substances are consistent. Any other approach would undermine the credibility of the renewal procedure.”

“Bearing in mind the conclusions reached by the BfR and EFSA, the GTF considers that a 15-year approval period for glyphosate is appropriate and should be granted, in line with EU legislation.”

“Glyphosate should not be treated any differently than other active substances which have received positive risk assessments from EFSA.”

Putting residue testing in context

A recent experiment conducted by a group of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) reportedly found that glyphosate residues were detected in urine samples. No information on the analytical methods applied to the testing has been made available. The scientific quality of the data produced therefore cannot be assessed or verified. In any case, the stated results of the testing quote residue levels which are the same as the recent Umwelt Bundesamt survey in Germany. These levels are within legally permissible limits and not considered to pose a risk to human health.

Official monitoring of pesticide residues conducted by EU Member States on an annual basis consistently demonstrates that in the vast majority of samples tested, residues are completely undetectable. In cases where residues are present, they are within legally permissible limits and well below a level which would pose a risk to human health.


Hume Brophy
Claire MacCarrick, +32 22 34 6860
Claire.maccarrick@humebrophy.com< /a>
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