08:30 uur 06-05-2022

Coinfirm brengt Smart Contract AML Oracle uit voor DeFi-compliance

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Coinfirm kondigt de release aan van de AML Oracle, de slimme contractgebaseerde AML-compliance-oplossing voor de DeFi-scene.

Omdat DeFi-protocollen on-chain slimme contracten uitvoeren – wat betekent dat elke nalevingslaag hetzelfde technologieformaat nodig heeft om te communiceren met een DeFi-provider via slimme klantcontracten – is een speciaal op maat gemaakte AML-oplossing noodzakelijk.

De AML Oracle is die oplossing, die gedecentraliseerde entiteiten in staat stelt om hun uitleen-, stakings- en algemene DeFi-activiteiten voort te zetten zonder bang te hoeven zijn om in aanraking te komen met ernstig snode actoren in hun ecosysteem. In de eerste drie maanden vanaf de releasedatum van de AML Oracle is het gebruik gratis door entiteiten op de witte lijst

Coinfirm Releases Smart Contract AML Oracle For DeFi Compliance

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Coinfirm is announcing the release of the AML Oracle, the smart contract-based AML compliance solution for the DeFi scene.

Because DeFi protocols run on-chain smart contracts – meaning that any compliance layer needs the same format of technology required to interact with a DeFi provider through client smart contracts – a specially-tailored AML solution is necessary.

The AML Oracle is that solution, enabling decentralised entities to continue their lending, staking and general DeFi activities without fear of falling afoul of seriously nefarious actors in their ecosystem. In the initial three months from the date of release of the AML Oracle, usage will be free by whitelisted entities.

“Coinfirm’s AML Oracle is our offering to the Dapp market, looking to enable that part of the blockchain ecosystem to interact with the traditional fiat system and wider economy with industry-award winning AML/CFT crypto compliance.” – Coinfirm’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Mircea Mihaescu

Coinfirm’s AML Oracle builds the foundation for more complex compliance structures by providing the tool to support an exponentially expanding frontier in crypto to be accepted in a compliant fashion, increasing DeFi’s user base long-term.

Initially, 220 high-risk Ethereum addresses related to terrorism financing, recent hackers’ addresses and those on the OFAC sanctions list will be available – with 10 more added every following week – on the AML Oracle’s atomic smart contract-compliant system, based on 350+ risk evaluation scenarios that will relay the critical information to the Dapp.

The AML Oracle therefore enables DeFi platforms to quickly assess the risk of new addresses by receiving an immediate C-Score, giving the Dapp the ability to make a fully-conscious decision about a transaction. If the decentralised entity is needing a more detailed explanation of the ‘why’ – a fully enhanced report on that address is provided.

About Coinfirm

Coinfirm’s platform and services are used by governments, financial institutions, custodians, payment providers, investment funds and exchanges. The AML Platform utilises 350+ proprietary risk algorithms to provide a seamless, scalable solution to stringent regulatory requirements for both CeFi and DeFi.

Founded in 2016, Coinfirm is headquartered in London, UK, with the company retaining offices in the U.S., Poland, France and Japan. Over 250 entities have trusted Coinfirm’s RegTech solutions.

For more information, visit: https://www.coinfirm.com


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+48 668031914


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