10:00 uur 21-04-2022

Boehringer Ingelheim lanceert RenuTend™: een nieuwe stamceltherapie om de genezing van pees- en ophangbandletsels bij paarden te verbeteren

  • Een enkele dosis verbetert de uitlijning van de vezels en vermindert de vorming van littekenweefsel
  • Gerichte actie verbetert de kwaliteit van genezing van pees- en ophangbandletsels bij paarden

INGELHEIM, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Het vergt jaren van ijverige training en een vertrouwensrelatie tussen paard en ruiter om hun volledige potentieel als team te bereiken. Daarom kan een pees- of bandblessure verwoestend zijn voor paardeneigenaren, ruiters en trainers. Voor paardensporters kan de diagnose vele maanden van behandeling en revalidatie betekenen met een onbekende uitkomst, en mogelijk een langetermijneffect op hun prestatievermogen.

Boehringer Ingelheim heeft nu goedkeuring gekregen in Europa voor RenuTend™, het eerste product dat een licentie heeft om de genezing van pees- en ophangbandletsels bij paarden te verbeteren. RenuTend™ wordt toegediend via intralesionale injectie en vormt een aanvulling op Boehringer Ingelheims andere paardenstamcelproduct Arti-Cell® FORTE, dat geautoriseerd is voor de behandeling van milde tot matige terugkerende kreupelheid geassocieerd met niet-septische gewrichtsontsteking bij paarden.

Boehringer Ingelheim launches RenuTend™: a new stem cell therapy to improve the healing of tendon and suspensory ligament injuries in horses

  • A single dose improves fibre alignment and decreases scar tissue formation
  • Targeted action improves quality of healing of tendon and suspensory ligament injuries in horses

INGELHEIM, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– It takes years of diligent training as well as a trusting relationship between horse and rider to reach their full potential as a team. That’s why a tendon or ligament injury can be devastating for horse owners, riders and trainers. For equine athletes, the diagnosis may mean many months of treatment and rehabilitation with an unknown outcome, and potential for long term impact on their ability to perform.

Boehringer Ingelheim has now received approval in Europe for RenuTend™, the first product licensed to improve healing of tendon and suspensory ligament injuries in horses. RenuTend™ is administered by intralesional injection and complements Boehringer Ingelheim’s other equine stem cell product Arti-Cell® FORTE, which is authorised to treat mild to moderate recurrent lameness associated with non-septic joint inflammation in horses.

“We are delighted to add RenuTend™ to our portfolio of stem cell products for horses, offering veterinarians a new therapeutic option for treating tendon and suspensory ligament injuries. This product demonstrates the company’s commitment to bringing innovation to improve the lives of horses and the people who love them,” comments Liz Barrett, Head of Global Strategic Marketing, Equine at Boehringer Ingelheim. “RenuTend™ will allow more riders, owners and trainers to reimagine the dreams a tendon injury jeopardizes, by optimizing the possibilities for their horse to return to work with reduced potential for reinjury.”

Tendon and ligament lesions don’t always heal properly, as scar tissue can be less elastic than healthy tissue, and reinjury rates can be up to 80 percent. This can mean the end of a career for many horses. RenuTend™ is a targeted stem cell treatment with proven efficacy and repeatable results. It improves the quality of tendon healing by promoting parallel alignment of the right type of fibres and decreases the amount of scar tissue formed.

RenuTend™ will be available across the European Union. The approval for Great Britain is still pending.

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Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Communication

Marisa Lehn

552 16 Ingelheim, Germany

Phone: +49 6132 77 171241

Email: press@boehringer-ingelheim.com

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