11:28 uur 24-01-2022

Kinderen en jongeren krijgen te maken met meerdere vormen van gendergerelateerd geweld – een online cursus die is geproduceerd door een internationaal project dat wordt gecoördineerd door de Universiteit van Tampere, helpt dit te identificeren en te voorkomen

TAMPERE, Finland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Kinderen en jongeren worden blootgesteld aan een breed scala aan gendergerelateerd geweld. Het fenomeen wordt echter slecht begrepen, wat het helpen van de slachtoffers moeilijk maakt. Het internationale project Education and Raising Awareness in Schools to Prevent and Encounter Gender-Based Violence (EraseGBV), gecoördineerd door Tampere University, produceerde een online cursus om gendergerelateerd geweld te helpen identificeren, voorkomen en aanpakken.

Hoe benader je jongeren die discriminatie ervaren op grond van hun genderexpressie? Hoe ga je om met aanstootgevende beelden van bijvoorbeeld je leerling op social media? En hoe ga je om met seksueel geweld waarmee kinderen of jongeren worden geconfronteerd? Geweld tegen kinderen en jongeren wordt vaak pesten genoemd, ook als het in het Wetboek van Strafrecht als mishandeling wordt beschouwd.

“Gendergerelateerd geweld tegen kinderen en jongeren is een weinig bekend fenomeen. Een beter begrip van het probleem door professionals die met kinderen en jongeren werken, is de sleutel tot het identificeren van geweld en de gevolgen ervan”, zegt universitair hoofddocent Marita Husso van de Universiteit van Tampere.

Children and young people encounter multiple forms of gender-based violence – an online course produced by an international project coordinated by Tampere University helps to identify and prevent it

TAMPERE, Finland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Children and young people are exposed to a wide range of gendered violence. However, the phenomenon is poorly understood, which makes helping the victims difficult. The international Education and Raising Awareness in Schools to Prevent and Encounter Gender-Based Violence (EraseGBV) project, coordinated by Tampere University, produced an online course to help identify, prevent and address gender-based violence.

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“Gender-based violence against children and youths is a little-known phenomenon. A better understanding of the issue by professionals working with children and young people is key to identifying violence and its consequences,” says Associate Professor Marita Husso from Tampere University. (Photo: Business Wire)

“Gender-based violence against children and youths is a little-known phenomenon. A better understanding of the issue by professionals working with children and young people is key to identifying violence and its consequences,” says Associate Professor Marita Husso from Tampere University. (Photo: Business Wire)

How do you approach young people who experience discrimination based on their gender expression? How do you deal with offensive images of your student, for example, on social media? And how do you address sexual violence faced by children or young people? Violence against children and youths is often referred to as bullying, even when it is considered assault by the Criminal Code.

“Gender-based violence against children and youths is a little-known phenomenon. A better understanding of the issue by professionals working with children and young people is key to identifying violence and its consequences,” says Associate Professor Marita Husso from Tampere University.

Husso leads the international Education and Raising Awareness in Schools to Prevent and Encounter Gender-Based Violence (EraseGBV) project coordinated by Tampere University, which has just published a free online course on encountering gender-based violence at schools in English, Finnish and Swedish. The training is also produced in Croatian, Spanish and Catalan.

It is a research-based e-learning package that develops new skills for those working in education, social work and health services. The training is aimed specifically at professionals working with 13–19-year-old teenagers but is also suitable for use with younger and older students. The training looks at the phenomenon from the perspectives of the person experiencing violence, the perpetrator, bystanders, and professionals and experts.

Schools play a pivotal role

Schools play a key role in identifying and addressing violence. The social environment of schools provides an opportunity to learn interaction skills and offers a unique opportunity to influence the perceptions and behaviour of children and young people. At the same time, it enables awareness-raising and change towards more equal relationships and more ethical practices.

“Addressing violence is a prerequisite for promoting equality and sustainable development. This new online training provides tools for preventing, identifying, and addressing violence. It provides information on such issues as digital violence, the impact of violence, good practices and legislation on the subject,” says Husso.

“Getting help for problems of violence depends on the problem first being identified and addressed,” she emphasises.

The EraseGBV project has researched gender-based violence and ethical agency in schools and education in Finland, Croatia and Spain. The research partners comprise Tampere University; the University of Zagreb; Blanquerna Ramón Llull University; the Centre for Education, Counselling and Research (CESI); and Conexus.

For more information and instructions on how to register, please see the link to further information and the online course: https://projects.tuni.fi/erasegbv/training-programme/

Photo: In her future projects, Associate Professor Marita Husso will focus on promoting nonviolence and sustainable wellbeing and exploring harmful ideological, institutional and affective practices related to violence. Photo by Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen

Tampere University

The multidisciplinary Tampere University is the second largest university in Finland. The spearheads of our research and learning are technology, health, and society. The University is committed to addressing the greatest challenges that are facing our society and creating new opportunities. Almost all the internationally recognised fields of study are represented at the University. Together, Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences comprise the Tampere Universities community made up of more than 30,000 students and close to 5,000 employees. www.tuni.fi/en



Associate Professor Marita Husso

Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University

marita.husso@tuni.fi, tel. +358503182510

University Researcher Satu Lidman

Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University


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