09:24 uur 04-11-2021

Symphony toont frontoffice-, operatie- en vermogensworkflows op Innovate 2021

Symphony – het technologie- en infrastructuurplatform van de toonaangevende markten – toonde frontoffice-, operatie- en vermogensworkflows die oplossingen bieden voor uitdagingen in de marktsector in zijn vlaggenschipconferentie Innovate 2021, die gisteren in New York City werd gehouden.

Symphony liet voor het eerst zien hoe zijn veilige en compatibele samenwerkingsplatform de technologie integreert van de twee bedrijven die het eerder dit jaar heeft overgenomen: het tegenpartijkaartplatform van StreetLinx en het spraak- en elektronische communicatieplatform van Cloud9 in één krachtige workflow tussen bedrijven.

Brad Levy, CEO van Symphony, zei: “Het benutten van netwerken en doelgericht verbinden is nog nooit zo belangrijk geweest. Innovate van dit jaar gaf ons de kans om te benadrukken hoe we deze kloof tussen workflows en klantsegmenten kunnen helpen overbruggen, door financiën en technologie samen te brengen ten voordele van gebruikers, klanten en tegenpartijen.”

Symphony showcases front office,operations, and wealth workflows at Innovate 2021

Symphony – the leading markets’ technology and infrastructure platform – showcased front office,
operations, and wealth workflows that are solving for markets industry challenges in its flagship
conference Innovate 2021, held yesterday in New York City.

Symphony showcased for the first time how its secure and compliant collaboration platform is
integrating the technology of the two companies it acquired earlier this year: StreetLinx’s
counterparty mapping platform and Cloud9’s markets voice and electronic communication
platform into one powerful inter-firm workflow.

Symphony CEO Brad Levy said: “Harnessing networks and connecting with purpose has never
been more important. This year’s Innovate gave us the opportunity to highlight how we can help
bridge this gap across workflows and client segments, bringing finance and tech together for the
benefit of users, clients and counterparties.”

The hundreds of financial professionals that joined the day’s sessions in person and online learned
about the innovation and digital transformation taking place across markets directly from
Symphony partners, customers, developers and innovators. Innovate 2021’s highlights included
discussion panels with industry leaders and live demonstrations of Symphony’s platform and

Chief product officer Michael Lynch added: “We were thrilled to showcase such a diverse set of
innovations, all meant to help our customers be more connected and efficient—moving beyond
legacy disparate systems into a holistic ecosystem of interoperability and collaboration.”
Videos from all the sessions will be posted on innnovate.symphony.com.

About Symphony Symphony is the most secure and compliant markets’ infrastructure and
technology platform, where solutions are built or integrated to standardize, automate
and innovate financial services workflows. It is a vibrant community of over half a million
financial professionals with a trusted directory and serves over 1000 institutions.
Symphony is powering over 2,000 community built applications and bots. For more
information, visit www.symphony.com.

Contact Details

Symphony Communication Services

Odette Maher

+44 7747 420807


Company Website

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