13:02 uur 22-10-2021

Suzano brengt zijn doel voor het vastleggen van 40 miljoen ton koolstof uit de atmosfeer naar 2025

SÃO PAULO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Suzano, ‘s werelds toonaangevende producent van eucalyptus pulp en een wereldwijde benchmark in de productie van bioproducten die zijn ontwikkeld op basis van eucalyptus, kondigt vandaag aan dat het een van zijn 14 langetermijndoelen heeft herzien – gezamenlijk bekend als Suzano’s “toezeggingen om het leven te vernieuwen”. Suzano’s doel om tegen 2030 40 miljoen ton koolstof uit de lucht te verwijderen, is met vijf jaar vervroegd naar 2025. Met deze herziening versterkt Suzano haar vermogen om een nog positievere bijdrage te leveren aan het klimaat van de planeet door netto koolstofverwijdering uit de atmosfeer in een sneller tempo dan eerder verwacht.

Suzano Brings Its Target for Capturing 40 Million Tons of Carbon From the Atmosphere Forward To 2025

SÃO PAULO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Suzano, the world’s leading eucalyptus pulp producer and a global benchmark in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from eucalyptus, announces today that it has revised one of its 14 long-term goals – collectively known as Suzano’s “Commitments to Renewing Life”*. Suzano’s goal to remove 40 million tons of carbon from the air by 2030 has been brought forward by five years to 2025. With this revision, Suzano reinforces its capacity to make an even more positive contribution to the planet’s climate by achieving net carbon removals from the atmosphere at a faster pace than previously expected.

The new five-year target will be supported by the expansion of Suzano’s forest covering which will involve both an uplift in commercial planting operations and setting aside new designated conservation areas that were previously anthropized. Alongside these improvements, Suzano will maintain its focus on reducing carbon emissions across its own operations and supply chain and will continue to improve its forest management to avoid losses in its operations, maximize productivity and increase carbon removal. In parallel, the company remains committed to and engaged in discussing new methodologies for reporting carbon emissions and removals as well as for setting targets linked to climate change, such as the Science Based Targets Initiative and the GHG Protocol guidance on land use. For the purposes of measuring its carbon removal, Suzano considers its standing forest base only, with all harvested wood excluded from the calculation.

“Revising the target from 2030 to 2025 reinforces our commitment to capturing carbon from the atmosphere and underlines our belief that addressing climate change must be a priority. Decarbonizing the world economy is a matter that requires serious attention and is of utmost importance to current and future generations.” said Walter Schalka, CEO of Suzano.

Suzano maintains that in order for concrete targets for reducing carbon emissions to be achieved in the long-term, governments, companies and society must set and meet short- and medium-term targets. Suzano has been participating in a series of events and meetings with other companies, Brazilian government representatives and global leaders to address the topics that will be discussed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which will be attended by Suzano representatives.

*Suzano’s “Commitments to Renewing Life” are reported annually and verified by an independent third party.



André Magnabosco


Hawthorn Advisors

Zinka MacHale


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