09:52 uur 15-09-2021

Suzano sluit zich aan bij wereldwijde initiatieven om de wereldeconomie koolstofarm te maken

Het bedrijf sluit zich aan bij Business Ambition voor 1,5°C en het Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi)

SÃO PAULO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Suzano, ‘s werelds toonaangevende producent van eucalyptuspulp en papier en een wereldwijde benchmark in de productie van bioproducten die zijn ontwikkeld op basis van eucalyptus, heeft zich aangesloten bij de campagne ‘Business Ambition for 1.5°C’ en het ‘Science Based Target Initiative’ ‘ (SBTi), een beweging die de vermindering van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen en de daaruit voortvloeiende overgang naar een koolstofarme economie wil bevorderen. Door zich bij deze initiatieven aan te sluiten, neemt Suzano ook deel aan de door de Verenigde Naties ondersteunde “Race to Zero”-campagne, die zich inzet voor een nulterugwinning van koolstof.

“Het is fantastisch om te zien hoe Suzano meedoet aan de Race to Zero-campagne. Ze hebben echt leiderschap getoond door te begrijpen hoe de bosbouwsector kan bijdragen aan onze wereldwijde inspanningen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. We zijn er trots op Suzano als partner te hebben die samenwerkt met andere bedrijven en overheden om ons uniforme 1,5C-doel te bereiken”, zegt Gonzalo Muñoz, COP26 High-Level Climate Champion.

Suzano Joins Global Initiatives to Drive Decarbonization of the World Economy

The company joins Business Ambition for 1.5°C and the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi)

SÃO PAULO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Suzano, the world’s leading eucalyptus pulp and paper producer and a global benchmark in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from eucalyptus, has joined the ‘Business Ambition for 1.5°C’ campaign and the ‘Science Based Target Initiative’ (SBTi), a movement that seeks to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and resulting transition to a low-carbon economy. By joining these initiatives, Suzano is also taking part in the United Nations-supported “Race to Zero” campaign, which rallies for a zero carbon recovery.

“It is fantastic to see Suzano joining the Race to Zero Campaign. They have shown true leadership in understanding how the forestry sector can contribute to our global effort of combatting climate change. We are proud to have Suzano as a partner that will engage with other companies and governments to achieve our unified 1.5C target,” says Gonzalo Muñoz, COP26 High-Level Climate Champion.

Suzano has already made voluntary commitments to reduce its emissions and expand its efforts to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, which make up the “Commitments to Renew Life”, a set of 14 long-term public goals established by Suzano.

In addition to these, Suzano will establish goals aligned with the SBTI’s 1.5°C emission reduction target scenarios within the next two years, as stipulated by the initiative, covering both their own emissions and value chain emissions.

The company will also engage with other actors in supporting SBTi to promote the improvement of methodologies related to the planted forest, pulp and paper sector.

“We are developing new products from planted trees that can replace materials derived from fossil fuel sources and our efforts are already contributing directly to the capture of carbon from the atmosphere. But we want to go further. By joining the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign, the SBTi and the ‘Race to Zero’ campaigns, we will work to bring together more actors, whether from the private sector or the public sphere, to discuss and agree how we can move towards a low carbon economy,” says Walter Schalka, CEO of Suzano.

Suzano is committed to further expanding its ambitions and the speed of its decarbonization journey. To this end, Suzano will continue to invest in various initiatives such as product innovation, reductions in fossil fuel consumption, and renewable energy.



André Magnabosco


Hawthorn Advisors

Lorna Cobbett / Zinka MacHale


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