09:00 uur 10-06-2021

OptionMetrics kondigt IvyDB Europe 3.0 aan met uitgebreid volatiliteitsoppervlak om wekelijkse opties en populaire handelsstrategieën te beoordelen

Optie database stelt quants, de academische wereld in staat om de volatiliteit van opties in complexe handelsomgevingen in Europa te analyseren

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OptionMetrics, een optiedatabase en analyseprovider voor institutionele beleggers en academische onderzoekers over de hele wereld, brengt OptionMetrics IvyDB Europe 3.0 uit. De update biedt nieuwe functies voor institutionele beleggers en de academische wereld om extreme volatiliteit en complexe handelsstrategieën te beoordelen. Belangrijke verbeteringen zijn onder meer de uitbreiding van het volatiliteitsoppervlak voor onderliggende effecten en de verhoging van de maximale berekende impliciete volatiliteit van opties.

Een van de grootste updates in IvyDB Europe 3.0 is de uitbreiding van het volatiliteitsoppervlak met een 10-daagse looptijdcurve en nieuwe call- en putdelta-rasterpunten op 10, 15, 85 en 90 (waarmee de curve wordt uitgebreid van 20-80 naar 10-90). Het uitgebreide oppervlak stelt institutionele beleggers in staat om meer punten diep in the money en diep out of the money te zien bij de beoordeling van kortere en langere termijn strategieën, zoals die rond hoge volatiliteit, meme aandelen, en wekelijkse opties.

OptionMetrics Announces IvyDB Europe 3.0 with Extended Volatility Surface to Assess Weekly Options and Popular Trading Strategies

Options database enables quants, academia to analyze option volatility in complex trading environments in Europe

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OptionMetrics, an options database and analytics provider for institutional investors and academic researchers worldwide, releases OptionMetrics IvyDB Europe 3.0. The update offers new features for institutional investors and academia to assess extreme volatility and complex trading strategies. Major advancements include extension of the volatility surface for underlying securities and the increase in maximum calculated option implied volatility.

One of the biggest updates in IvyDB Europe 3.0 is expansion of the volatility surface to include a 10-day maturity curve along with new call and put delta grid points at 10, 15, 85, and 90 (expanding the curve to 10-90 from 20-80). The extended surface enables institutional investors to see more points deep in the money and deep out of the money as they assess shorter and longer term strategies, such as those surrounding high volatility, meme stocks, and weekly options.

Additionally, the threshold for maximum implied volatility has been increased to 900% to enable investors to identify extremely volatile options and high-priced premiums, with Nokia and other European securities reaching over 800% in the peak of their trading frenzy this year as an example. Options with extremely high volatility are purposely excluded from volatility surface calculations.

OptionMetrics also makes volatility price calculation and schema changes consistent with those in IvyDB US 5.0 for even easier comparison across databases. Specific updates include:

  • More option contract specification data, with the addition of AM settlement, contract size, and expiry indicator fields in option price and tick option price tables, enabling users to conveniently view contract specifications in one place.
  • More sophisticated mapping of option IDs/prices for securities trading on multiple exchanges or in more than one currency.
  • Enhanced data quality, with historical patching and recalculations based on the above.

“With our most recent version of IvyDB Europe, we continue to expand on our mission to provide the most accurate, highest quality options data to address our customers’ evolving needs. IvyDB Europe 3.0 thoughtfully accounts for complexities in European options and exchanges and also expands on the amount of analysis provided for academia and institutional investors to assess shorter and longer term opportunities in the evolving markets,” says OptionMetrics CEO David Hait, Ph.D.

IvyDB Europe covers over 972 optionable securities, from all major European exchanges, including the U.K., France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Italy. Historical data and daily updates are available for most securities since January 2002. In addition to daily option pricing information, it includes dividend projections, and historical distributions and corporate actions, such as splits, mergers, and name changes.

OptionMetrics also has databases for the U.S., Asia-Pacific, Canada, Global Indices, and futures.

Email info@optionmetrics.com for details.


Hilary McCarthy

Clearpoint Agency



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