08:09 uur 25-05-2021

AB InBev vertelt hoe de wereldwijde crisis waarmee het MKB in de horeca te maken heeft, kan worden overwonnen

Na nauw samen te hebben gewerkt met kwetsbare mkb’s over de hele wereld, heeft AB InBev een waardevol perspectief over hoe ze te beschermen en nieuw leven in te blazen

BRUSSEL– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Nergens is de economische impact van de pandemie sterker gedaald dan op de horeca. Gezien het belang van deze sector voor de wereldeconomie, moet deze een prioriteit blijven, met dienovereenkomstig toegewezen middelen. Anheuser-Busch InBev (“AB InBev”) werkt al jaren nauw samen met bedrijven in de horecasector, vooral met zijn vele kwetsbare midden en kleinbedrijven (mkb’s), waardoor het waardevolle inzichten heeft over hoe ze te beschermen tijdens crises.

AB InBev Shares How to Overcome the Global Crisis Facing SMEs in the Hospitality Industry

After working closely with vulnerable SMEs around the globe, AB InBev has a valuable perspective on how to protect and revitalize them

BRUSSELS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nowhere has the economic impact of the pandemic fallen more heavily than on the hospitality industry. Given this sector’s significance to the global economy, it must remain a priority, with resources allocated accordingly. Anheuser-Busch InBev (“AB InBev”) has worked closely with businesses in the hospitality sector for years, particularly with its many vulnerable small and midsize enterprises (SMEs), giving it valuable insights into how to protect them during crises.

Here are some critical steps to ensuring hospitality SMEs survive COVID-19:

  1. Do No More Harm: Future measures must not increase the burden on the vulnerable.
  2. Foster a Predictable Business Environment: Governments need to provide clarity and predictability regarding future expectations to enable businesses to avoid the “yo-yo” situation of spending money to reopen, then being forced to close again.
  3. Implement a Tactical Approach to Recovery: Governments should take steps to optimize the hospitality sector’s reopening while avoiding high COVID-19 risk, such as preventing closures or evictions through rent subsidies, providing tax credits to the most vulnerable SMEs, or assisting SMEs with moving into viable forms of e-commerce.
  4. Encourage Inter-industry Collaboration: The sector will have to develop a supportive ecosystem that draws on governments, private enterprise, and multilateral organizations. Public-private partnerships can also encourage the sector’s regrowth, as consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies play a critical role in the industry. Their connections with local formal and informal business should be used to support SMEs.

Hospitality SMEs worldwide share many pandemic-related challenges, including the range of fast-changing, externally imposed restrictions that cripple commercial possibilities. Outright bans on goods such as alcohol, which accounts for one-third of revenue and even more profit, have also proved challenging.

This is a global challenge in a critical industry that generates 10 percent of employment worldwide, making its decline dangerous; The World Bank estimates another 150 million people could fall into extreme poverty worldwide in 2021, erasing over three years of global poverty reduction.

Without coordinated and long-term policies to revive the beleaguered hospitality industry and the SMEs at its core, this decline could persist, fueling a global recession. Even as the pandemic subsides, policymakers need to take action to better equip SMEs to protect our global economy.

For more information about AB InBev, please visit www.ab-inbev.com.


Nathalia Martins

Corporate Communications Manager, LLYC

(786) 590-1000

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