03:00 uur 30-03-2021

Ota City Cultural Promotion Association Project – ”Ota Japanese Culture Festival Special Videos ‘Carrying on — National Treasures Preserving Traditions–”’ Gratis online beschikbaar op YouTube

Documentaire video’s met 3 levende nationale schatten in Ota City

TOKIO– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Ota City Cultural Promotion Association heeft documentairevideo’s geproduceerd die een aantal levende nationale schatten (houders van belangrijke immateriële culturele eigendommen) in de schijnwerpers zetten.

Dit komt omdat “Ota’s traditionele Japanse Cultuurfestival” helaas werd geannuleerd in zowel 2020 als 2021 om de verspreiding van COVID-19 te voorkomen. Dit festival, dat elk jaar in samenwerking met Japanse culturele organisaties in Ota City werd gehouden, was een ervaringsproject om in aanraking te komen met de traditionele Japanse cultuur. We hebben deze video’s gemaakt als een speciaal project om de lang ontwikkelde kansen om de traditionele Japanse cultuur te ervaren, niet te verliezen.

We hopen dat mensen in Japan en daarbuiten de schoonheid van de traditionele Japanse cultuur en de dagelijkse inspanningen en gevoelens die eraan ten grondslag liggen, kunnen leren, met dit project als uitgangspunt om interesse in de Japanse cultuur te wekken.

Ota City Cultural Promotion Association Project – “Ota Japanese Culture Festival Special Videos ‘Carrying on –National Treasures Preserving Traditions–’” Available Free Online on YouTube

Documentary videos featuring 3 living national treasures residing in Ota City

TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Ota City Cultural Promotion Association has produced documentary videos shining a spotlight on some living national treasures (holders of important intangible cultural properties).

Titles Calligraphy by KANAZAWA Shoko (Graphic: Business Wire)

Titles Calligraphy by KANAZAWA Shoko (Graphic: Business Wire)

This is because “Ota’s traditional Japanese Culture Festival” was unfortunately canceled in both 2020 and 2021 to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This festival, which had been held every year in collaboration with Japanese cultural organizations in Ota City, was an experience-based project for coming into contact with traditional Japanese culture. We produced these videos as a special project so as not to lose the long-developed opportunities to experience traditional Japanese culture.

We hope that people in Japan and overseas can learn the beauty of traditional Japanese culture and the daily efforts and feelings underlying it, with this project as a starting point for raising interest in Japanese culture.

Outline of the videos

Project name:

Ota Japanese Culture Festival Special Videos “Carrying on –National Treasures Preserving Traditions–”

Available on:

Ota City Cultural Promotion Association’s YouTube channel



YONEKAWA Fumiko Ⅱ (Jiuta and Sokyoku Musician) / HON’AMI Koshu (Polishing Japanese swords) / TAKEMOTO Aoidayu (Kabuki Music Takemoto Tayu)


Calligrapher Shoko Kanazawa

Running time:

4 in total (under 15 minutes for each person featured (3 videos) and 1 minutes for promotion video)


Conveying usually unseen images and ideas that are not often shared, such as long developed feelings and efforts towards preserving Japanese culture. Also highlighting the thoughts and struggles in ongoing art projects, and the importance and difficulty of passing on traditions to younger generations.

We have prepared 2 versions of each video (Japanese and English).

Produced in Cooperation:



Ota City Cultural Promotion Association


For inquiries
Ota City Cultural Promotion Association

Culture and Arts Promotion Division

Contact staff: TANUMA Rina / SHINJI Emi

TEL: +81-3-3750-1611

FAX: +81-3-3750-1150

EMAIL: bungeika@ota-bunka.or.jp
URL: https://en.ota-bunka.or.jp/

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