13:55 uur 25-03-2021

Centessa Pharmaceuticals kondigt het vertrek aan van Dr. Moncef Slaoui

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts & LONDEN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Centessa Pharmaceuticals (“Centessa”) heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat Moncef Slaoui, M.D., met onmiddellijke ingang zijn functie als Chief Scientific Officer, adviseur heeft neergelegd. Het vertrek van dr. Slaoui uit Centessa volgt op de meldingen van beschuldigingen van seksuele intimidatie en ongepast gedrag jegens een medewerker van GlaxoSmithKline plc (“GSK”) enkele jaren geleden, die we vernamen na de aankondiging door GSK.

Saurabh Saha, M.D., Ph.D., chief executive officer van Centessa verklaarde: “Het Centessa-managementteam en de raad van bestuur waren verontrust toen ze het nieuws van gisteren over dr. Slaoui vernamen. Centessa zet zich absoluut in voor het bevorderen van een cultuur van respect die vrij is van pesterijen en discriminatie van welke aard dan ook, en zet zich vastberaden in voor het handhaven van een werkomgeving die onze sterke waarden als bedrijf weerspiegelt. ”

Centessa Pharmaceuticals Announces Departure of Dr. Moncef Slaoui

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Centessa Pharmaceuticals (“Centessa”) today announced that Moncef Slaoui, M.D., has stepped down from his position as chief scientific officer, advisor, effective immediately. Dr. Slaoui’s departure from Centessa follows the reports of allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct towards an employee of GlaxoSmithKline plc (“GSK”) several years ago which we learned of following the announcement by GSK.

Saurabh Saha, M.D., Ph.D., chief executive officer of Centessa stated, “The Centessa management team and board of directors were troubled to learn of yesterday’s news regarding Dr. Slaoui. Centessa is absolutely committed to fostering a culture of respect that is free from harassment and discrimination of any kind and are steadfastly committed to maintaining a work environment that is reflective of our strong values as a company.”

About Centessa Pharmaceuticals

Centessa Pharmaceuticals Limited is a next-generation biopharmaceutical company that aims to reshape the traditional drug development process. The company applies an asset-centric R&D model at scale to advance a portfolio of highly validated programs led by industry leading teams. Each program is developed by a Centessa subsidiary and supported by a centralized infrastructure and the Centessa management team. The company is headquartered in Cambridge, Mass. For more information, visit www.centessa.com.


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