12:57 uur 22-02-2021

Exclusive Networks breidt X-OD-bereik uit naar 9 Europese markten om een compleet Fortinet Security Fabric-portfolio op abonnementsbasis te introduceren

Het X-OD-platform (Exclusive Networks on Demand) maakt op unieke wijze het gebruik van elke Fortinet-oplossing op een abonnementsmodel mogelijk; vergroot de toegang tot Duitse, Spaanse, Belgische, Finse, Oostenrijkse en Ierse partners

PARIJS– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Exclusive Networks heeft vandaag de nieuwste evolutie van zijn X-OD-platform onthuld met uitbreiding naar Duitsland, Spanje, België, Finland, Oostenrijk en Ierland. Dit valt samen met de introductie van Fortinet in het X-OD portfolio-aanbod, met de end-to-end beschikbaarheid van alle Fortinet-oplossingen via de Fortinet Security Fabric op abonnementsbasis – een uniek kanaalpropositie in wereldwijde distributie.

X-OD is nu beschikbaar voor partners in 9 Europese markten (Frankrijk, het VK en Nederland al gelanceerd) met agressieve plannen om later dit jaar uit te breiden naar alle wereldwijde regio’s. Exclusive Networks laat zijn abonnementsinkomsten 5x sneller groeien dan de traditionele op capex gebaseerde verkopen, waarbij X-OD een belangrijke motor is in de versnelling van de marktevolutie.

Exclusive Networks Grows X-OD Reach to 9 European Markets to Introduce Complete Fortinet Security Fabric Portfolio on a Subscription Basis

X-OD (Exclusive Networks on Demand) platform uniquely enables consumption of any Fortinet solution on a subscription model; widens access to German, Spanish, Belgian, Finnish, Austrian & Irish partners

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Exclusive Networks today unveiled the latest evolution of its X-OD platform with expansion into Germany, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Austria and Ireland. This coincides with the introduction of Fortinet to the X-OD portfolio offering, with the end-to-end availability of all Fortinet solutions through the Fortinet Security Fabric on a subscription basis – a unique channel proposition in global distribution.

X-OD is now available to partners in 9 European markets (France, UK and the Netherlands already launched) with aggressive plans to extend into all global regions later this year. Exclusive Networks is growing its subscription revenues 5x faster than traditional capex-based sales, with X-OD a significant driver in the acceleration of market evolution.

“Wherever we go with X-OD, it is growing fast – now in the Nordics, Iberia and DACH, and across Benelux, UK&I and France,” said Jesper Trolle, CEO of Exclusive Networks. “The global pandemic has undoubtedly accelerated digital transformation more generally, making this proposition even more relevant to business needs. Digital customer experience, big data insights and opex-based consumption are here to stay. And our roadmap is on track to extend the capabilities of X-OD beyond Europe and into every Exclusive operating territory.”

The enhanced opportunities made possible by X-OD are particularly relevant when it comes to key technologies such as SD-WAN and market segments such as MSSP. Customer organisations face the challenge of shifting from predominantly opex-based MPLS investments into a large-scale, capex-based network evolution to SD-WAN infrastructure. These issues are negated and opportunities unlocked by X-OD-enabled consumption models.

In the case of MSSP partners who ordinarily face investing upfront in the infrastructure capabilities to drive their own managed security services, X-OD enables them to buy technology in the same way they sell it. The sheer breadth, diversity of complementary nature of Fortinet’s portfolio also benefits from X-OD’s ability to ‘subscriptionise’ products and services into discreet packages, and even allow partners to bundle these with their own service wraps that are elegantly presented to customers as a single, easy-to-consume offering. Partners benefit yet further from X-OD’s fully digital customer experience and access to rich data insights that fuel upsell/cross-sell initiatives and targeted sales campaigns.

“Fortinet’s partnership with Exclusive Networks is geared to create exceptional value and opportunity for our partners and customers,” said Patrice Perche, Chief Revenue Officer & EVP Support at Fortinet. “With X-OD, Exclusive has engineered another genuinely innovative contribution to channel dynamics that aligns with how we see the world and how we want our partners to be enabled and supported. This represents significant benefits to all levels of our partner community, and ultimately provides our customers with new ways of consuming our market-defining products and services.”

“We see fantastic opportunities for the vendors who have committed to X-OD, and are very excited to introduce Fortinet and its extensive portfolio of solutions in these early stages of worldwide rollout,” added Jesper Trolle. “We are aligned with theirs and our other vendor partners’ visions for innovation, recurring revenue and market flexibility. Together we are empowering channel partners to make a fast, safe and simple transition to subscription-based consumption both for their customers and their own business models, allowing them to sell ‘everything as a service’.”

About X-OD

X-OD is an on-demand platform that brings together and enhances all of Exclusive Networks’ products and services in one, user-friendly place. The platform is the centre of a new digitalised technology distribution ecosystem that is connecting the full value chain, bringing vendors and resellers closer to their customers.

X-OD is pivotal in enabling the shift to the subscription business model. The platform is transforming capex to opex payments, enabling technology to be bought in the same way it is sold and consumed. It is this flexibility combined with on-demand functionality, speed and simplicity that makes X-OD so relevant in a ‘customer-first’ world. www.x-od.com


Jemma Lowman


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