14:25 uur 23-12-2020

Health Professionals Petitie CDC voor de Oriëntatie: Amerikanen gebruiken neussprays om COVID-19 pandemie te bestrijden; Artsen gebruiken het bij behandelen van patiënten

“Studies tonen aan dat neussprays, zoals Xlear, het risico op overdracht en infectie van COVID-19 verminderen”

Vandaag heeft een consortium van 15 artsen, verpleegkundigen en andere beroepsbeoefenaren in de volksgezondheid een verzoekschrift ingediend bij de Centers for Disease Control om richtsnoeren uit te vaardigen waarin wordt opgeroepen: Amerikanen om neussprays te gebruiken om de COVID-19-pandemie te bestrijden; en artsen om ze te gebruiken bij de behandeling van COVID-19-patiënten.

WASHINGTON– (BUSINESS WIRE) – De petitie is ook op Change.org geplaatst en medische professionals zoeken hiervoor ondersteuning van alle Amerikanen: https://www.change.org/cdcguidance

De petitie roept in het bijzonder CDC op om Amerikanen te vertellen neussprays te gebruiken als onderdeel van een gelaagde verdediging tegen COVID-19. ‘Je wast je handen; je moet ook je neus wassen. Je draagt een masker en sociale afstand; je moet dat doen en een neusspray gebruiken ”, zei dr. Alonzo Jones, een van de indieners, en een uitvinder van een van de bestudeerde neussprays.

Health Professionals Petition CDC for Guidance: Americans Use Nasal Sprays to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic; Doctors Use in Treating Patients

“Studies show nasal sprays, such as Xlear, reduces risk of COVID-19 transmission and infection”

Today, a consortium of 15 doctors, nurses and other public health professionals petitioned the Centers for Disease Control to issue Guidance calling on: Americans to use nasal sprays to combat the COVID-19 pandemic; and doctors to use them in treating COVID-19 patients.

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The petition has also been placed on Change.org and the medical professionals are seeking support for it from all Americans: https://www.change.org/cdcguidance

The petition in particular calls on CDC to tell Americans to use nasal sprays as part of a layered defense against COVID-19. “You wash your hands; you should wash your nose, too. You wear a mask and social distance; you should do that and use a nasal spray,” said Dr. Alonzo Jones, one of the petitioners, and an inventor of one of the studied nasal sprays.

“We have more data supporting the use of nasal sprays against COVID-19 than we had supporting the use of masks and social distancing when CDC told Americans to do those things,” Dr. Mark Cannon, another petitioner, said. “Nasal sprays are inexpensive, non-invasive, safe, and you can get them off-the-shelf at your local store. It’s pure commonsense,” Cannon added.

“We have data showing that certain nasal sprays don’t just wash away the virus. Certain sprays actually block, deactivate and/or kill the virus,” said Dr. Gustavo Ferrer, a respiratory illness expert who has conducted research on the use of nasal sprays to combat COVID-19, and is among the petitioners.

As a result, the petition calls specifically for CDC Guidance to focus on the use of nasal sprays that contain Xylitol and grapefruit seed extract. Recent studies have found that these natural components used together are antiviral (they block SARS-CoV-2 adhesion to the nasal membrane) and virucidal (they kill or deactivate the virus). One such spray, Xlear, is currently widely available in the US. Xlear has been used by millions of people worldwide, over twenty-plus years, without any adverse effects reported.

Additionally, a new, small clinical study found Xlear lessens the severity and shortens the duration of COVID-19 illnesses, and reduces the risk of further transmission, which is why the petition calls for guidance to doctors to use it as an adjunct to current treatments.


Jeff Gulko



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