14:09 uur 30-07-2020

Nieuw one-stop resourcecentrum biedt ontwikkelaars een robuuste reeks tools voor het eenvoudig beheren, bewaken en integreren van Limelight-services

Limelight’s Developer Central biedt interactieve API Explorer, SDK’s, voorbeeldcode, OpenAPI-documentatie en communityforum om snel antwoorden te krijgen

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Naarmate de vraag naar streaming video toeneemt, staat de druk op contentproviders om te leveren, beschermen, innoveren en de efficiëntie te verbeteren. Om ontwikkelaars te ondersteunen bij het bereiken van deze doelen, heeft Limelight Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq: LLNW), een toonaangevende leverancier van edge cloud-services, vandaag Developer Central geïntroduceerd. Dit one-stop resource center geeft Limelight’s innovatie in handen van ontwikkelaars en biedt unieke en evoluerende content, training en een bibliotheek met tools om de serviceomgevingen van klanten nu en in de toekomst te beheren.

“Limelight is onophoudelijk gericht op de levering van klanten aan onze strategische gebieden in 2020, waaronder capaciteitsuitbreiding, uitbreiding van proactief beheer van het netwerk, meer controle in handen van onze klanten leggen en innovatie stimuleren. Vandaag zijn we verheugd Limelight Developer Central aan te kondigen, een robuuste bron en een grote vooruitgang om klanten meer controle te geven en innovatie te stimuleren. Het voorziet in de behoefte aan snelle prototyping, testen en implementatie in de veranderende zakelijke omgeving van vandaag. Onze klanten hebben nu de tools om Limelight-services te beheren en te bewaken en tegelijkertijd de kwaliteit te verbeteren en de ontwikkeltijd te verkorten ”, zegt Nigel Burmeister, VP of Product bij Limelight.

New One-Stop Resource Center Gives Developers a Robust Array of Tools to Easily Manage, Monitor and Integrate Limelight Services

Limelight’s Developer Central Offers Interactive API Explorer, SDKs, Sample Code, OpenAPI Documentation and Community Forum to Get Answers Fast

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– As demand for streaming video grows, the pressure is on content providers to deliver, protect, innovate and improve efficiency. To support developers in accomplishing these goals, Limelight Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq: LLNW), a leading provider of edge cloud services, today introduced Developer Central. This one-stop resource center puts Limelight’s innovation in developers’ hands offering unique and evolving content, training, and a library of tools to manage customers’ service environments today and into the future.

“Limelight is relentlessly focused on customer delivery toward our strategic areas in 2020 including expanding capacity, expanding on proactive management of the network, placing more control in the hands of our customers and driving innovation. Today, we’re pleased to announce Limelight Developer Central, a robust resource and a big advancement toward giving customers more control and driving innovation. It addresses the need for rapid prototyping, testing, and deployment in today’s changing business environment. Our customers now have the tools to manage and monitor Limelight services while also improving quality and reducing development time,” said Nigel Burmeister, VP of Product at Limelight.

A few of the many features and functions developers can use Limelight Developer Central to support their applications and workflows include:

  • OpenAPI Documentation: Provides consistency and access to endpoint links and syntax examples. Automatically generated so developers always have the most current documentation.
  • API Explorer: Enhanced interactive tool for developers that provides tutorials, sample code and the ability to try Limelight APIs in a realtime test environment before going into production.
  • Software Development Kits (SDKs): Provide pre-packaged code with multiple operations to monitor, configure and manage Limelight services, including necessary authentication steps, that developers can copy and paste.
  • Q&A Community Forum: The community’s open forum encourages developers to share ideas, technology and passion with peers and get expert answers to questions.

“With the range of new tools and resources in Limelight Developer Central, it’s easier than ever to configure, manage and monitor your streaming video and other Content Delivery Network workflows. Limelight also offers a range of edge compute options, both CDN-integrated and general-purpose, letting you run your own code in locations around the world. It’s all part of our expanded commitment to developer empowerment,” said Eveline Carr, Developer Community Manager at Limelight.

Developer Central is Limelight’s latest example of driving and developing innovation that delivers the highest performing content delivery and edge services solutions for customers worldwide. To learn more, visit https://www.limelight.com/developers/

About Limelight

Limelight Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: LLNW), a leading provider of digital content delivery, video, cloud security, and edge computing services, empowers customers to provide exceptional digital experiences. Limelight’s edge services platform includes a unique combination of global private infrastructure, intelligent software, and expert support services that enable current and future workflows. For more information, visit www.limelight.com, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Stephanie Epstein

SHIFT Communications


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