13:45 uur 10-03-2020

Oasis ontvangt SAS-SM-certificering voor zijn eSIM Subscription Manager EOS

De EOS Subscription Manager heeft de beveiligingsaccreditatieregeling met succes doorstaan, waardoor het vertrouwen van de sector in de beveiliging van externe voorzieningen voor eSIM’s wordt gewaarborgd.

PARIJS – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Oasis is verheugd om de certificering van haar Subscription Manager EOS2 aan te kondigen volgens de SAS-SM Security Accreditation Scheme van de GSMA. Dit is het resultaat van een uitgebreide beveiligingsaudit die is uitgevoerd om te waarborgen dat Oasis alle passende beveiligingsmaatregelen heeft getroffen om de belangen van MNO’s en EOM’s te beschermen. De Oasis EOS2 SM-DP (Subscription Management Data Preparation) en SM-SR (Subscription Management Secure Routing) worden ingezet in een beveiligd datacenter in Frankrijk met het hoogste niveau van beveiliging en interoperabiliteit.

Oasis Receives SAS-SM Certification For Its eSIM Subscription Manager EOS

The EOS Subscription Manager successfully passed the Security Accreditation Scheme ensuring industry confidence in the security of remote provisioning for eSIMs.

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Oasis is pleased to announce the certification of its Subscription Manager EOS2 according to the SAS-SM Security Accreditation Scheme of the GSMA. This is the result of a comprehensive security audit carried out to ensure that Oasis have implemented all adequate security measures to protect the interests of MNOs and EOMs. The Oasis EOS2 SM-DP (Subscription Management Data Preparation) and SM-SR (Subscription Management Secure Routing) are deployed in a secure data center in France with the highest level of security and interoperability.

This SAS-SM certification follows the GSMA certification received in 2019 for Helios eUICC, a full range of eSIM Operating Systems and products. This positions Oasis as a key player for providing end-to-end solutions to all the stakeholders of the eSIM ecosystem.

Patrick Cao, Chief Operating Officer, said: “We are proud to receive this security accreditation from the world’s leading wireless industry representative body. This demonstrates our commitment in delivering world-class security solutions and processes in our operations. Our customers can have the peace of mind that we have all the security measures rigorously implemented to protect sensitive data in the remote management of their eSIM for M2M and IoT applications”.

About Oasis Smart SIM

Oasis Smart SIM provides cutting edge technologies and customized services to enable the deployment of eSIM.

Our mission is to embed our field proven eUICC Operating System “HELIOS” in all connected devices and to securely manage their activation and connectivity on 4G/5G networks with our Subscription Management suite of innovative solutions named “EOS”.

Our value proposition includes a full set of services for embedded and reprogrammable SIM, along with solutions for activation, connectivity and subscription management. On the leading edge of secure embedded software, Oasis is a GSMA member since 2011. In December 2019, Oasis achieved the certification of Helios eUICC in accordance with GSMA eSIM M2M specifications.


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Elodie Clement

+33 625 362 802

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