08:00 uur 05-02-2020

Purify Fuels nanO2 Combustion Catalyst® voor distributie in het Midden-Oosten door Kanoo Blue

Dit ongeëvenaarde internationale partnerschap biedt wereldwijde verladers een onmiddellijke, kostenverlagende oplossing op tijd voor IMO 2020

HOUSTON– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Purify Fuel, Inc. (PFI), maker van de nanO2Combustion Catalyst® die dieselgebruikers helpt geld te besparen en emissies te verminderen, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het een exclusieve distributieovereenkomst met Kanoo Blue heeft getekend. Purify Fuel’s nanO2Combustion Catalyst optimaliseert prestaties en brandstofefficiëntie in Marine Gasoil (MGO), waardoor MGO een meer kosteneffectieve oplossing is dan Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO).

Door nanO2Combustion Catalyst te combineren met MGO kunnen reders de compatibiliteitsproblemen vermijden die samenhangen met VLSFO-mengsels en de mechanische uitdagingen die gepaard gaan met het rijden op meerdere brandstoftypen, terwijl de efficiëntie wordt verhoogd en geld wordt bespaard.

Purify Fuel’s nanO2 Combustion Catalyst® to Be Distributed in the Middle East by Kanoo Blue

This unrivaled international partnership provides global shippers with an immediate, cost-lowering solution in time for IMO 2020

HOUSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Purify Fuel, Inc. (PFI), creator of the nanO2 Combustion Catalyst® that helps diesel consumers save money and reduce emissions, announced today that it has signed an exclusive distribution deal with Kanoo Blue. Purify Fuel’s nanO2 Combustion Catalyst optimizes performance and fuel efficiency in Marine Gasoil (MGO), making MGO a more cost-effective solution than Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO).

Blending nanO2 Combustion Catalyst with MGO allows shipowners to avoid the compatibility issues associated with VLSFO blends and the mechanical challenges associated with running on multiple fuel types while increasing efficiency and saving money.

Further, with the recent implementation of IMO 2020’s sweeping legislation effective January 1, 2020, VLSFO prices have increased above MGO. While this trend may not hold, VLSFO pricing at/or near MGO reinforces the case for using Purify Fuel’s nanO2 Combustion Catalyst.

Through the agreement, Kanoo will act as the exclusive distribution partner in the region, helping customers in the marine, mining, oil services, transportation and power generation markets to achieve cleaner and more efficient diesel. Kanoo Blue focuses on identifying and bringing to its clients the best breakthrough technologies currently available in the world of science and technology across a wide spectrum of business segments.

“This partnership is not just good economically for the region, but it’s also great for environmental sustainability,” says Bader Abdulaziz Kanoo, Kanoo Blue Chairman. “Purify Fuel’s nanO2 Combustion Catalyst solution will help diesel engines work more efficiently while simultaneously helping to reduce harmful emissions. The timing for Purify Fuel could not be better as the region and the world search for cleaner fossil fuel options.”

“This deal builds on our first exclusive distribution partnership with Mencast Holdings, making Purify Fuel’s nanO2 Combustion Catalyst available in three of the world’s largest refueling ports — Singapore, Fujairah, and Shanghai — with annual sales of more than 20 billion gallons,” says John Carroll, CEO of Purify Fuel. “Additionally, through the efforts of our marine lead, John ‘Fozzie’ Miller, VADM (Ret), United States Navy, we are well on our way to meeting our goal of being distributed in 60% of the world’s largest ports.”

This exciting partnership will be on display at the Middle East Bunkering Convention, in Dubai. If you are a shipowner in the region and would like to learn more about how to leverage nanO2 to save money and reduce emissions, please contact us by visiting www.purifyfuel.com to schedule a meeting.

About Kanoo Blue:

Kanoo Blue was established in Bahrain for the purpose of bringing disruptive technologies to the Middle East and Africa, in the field of Energy, Nano Technology, Industrial IT, Artificial Intelligence, Bio-Technology, Water and other much needed high-end technologies to the region. Kanoo Blue is also the commercial partner for Houston Technologies, Middle-East for its portfolio of leading-edge disruptive technologies.

About Purify Fuel:

Purify Fuel creates patented nanotechnology-based rare earth oxides to help large diesel operators save money and reduce emissions. Purify Fuel’s nanO2 Combustion Catalysts® are custom blended to optimize diesel fuel and biodiesel blends for marine, fracking, military, mining, power generation, and rail markets. The combustion catalysts increase energy harvested from each gram of fuel while reducing particulate matter emissions and soot created by incomplete combustion. Purify Fuel works directly with large consumers of diesel and biodiesel fuel to help them save money, increase power, and reduce emissions.

For more information on Purify Fuel, please visit www.purifyfuel.com.


Haley Steinhauser
Purify Fuel, Inc.

+1 (562) 991-3170

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