12:04 uur 04-02-2020

Juvisé Pharmaceuticals heeft met succes haar financiering van EUR 213 miljoen gesyndiceerd in minder dan één maand

Het Franse specialistische farmaceutische bedrijf Juvisé Pharmaceuticals kondigt met genoegen haar succesvolle syndicatie aan van haar schuldenpakket van EUR 213 miljoen ter ondersteuning van de acquisitie van Arimidex® en Casodex® van AstraZeneca, in samenwerking met Société Générale en HSBC, optredend als Physical Bookrunners en Mandated Lead Arrangers, BNP Paribas, optredend als Mandated Lead Arranger en Lazard als financieel adviseur van Juvisé Pharmaceuticals.

PARIJS – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Op basis van een sterke steun van zowel relatieverleners als institutionele investeerders, werd syndicatie afgerond na een succesvolle en overschreven beginfase. De convenantfinanciering bestaat uit een TLB van EUR 128 miljoen naast een TLA van EUR 85 miljoen. Deze syndicatie werd mogelijk gemaakt door de samenwerking met de financiële partners van Juvisé Pharmaceuticals, met wie het bedrijf vertrouwt op een langdurig partnerschap gekenmerkt door openheid en vertrouwen.

Juvisé Pharmaceuticals Successfully Syndicated Its EUR 213 Million Financing in Less Than One Month

The French specialty pharmaceutical company, Juvisé Pharmaceuticals is pleased to announce its successful syndication of its EUR 213 million debt package supporting the acquisition of Arimidex® and Casodex® from AstraZeneca, with the collaboration of Société Générale and HSBC, acting as Physical Bookrunners and Mandated Lead Arrangers, BNP Paribas, acting as Mandated Lead Arranger and Lazard acting as financial advisor to Juvisé Pharmaceuticals.

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– On the back of a strong support from both relationship lenders and institutional investors, syndication was wrapped following a successful and oversubscribed early-bird phase. The covenanted financing is comprised of a EUR 128 million TLB alongside a EUR 85 million TLA. This syndication was made possible through the collaboration with Juvisé Pharmaceuticals financial partners, with whom the company relies on long-term partnership characterized by openness and trust.

This successful syndication is another important step in Juvisé Pharmaceuticals development. It reasserts the company ability to leverage all debt capital instruments to fulfil its growth ambition, while keeping the flexibility and independence in decision making allowed by its privately held structure.

Frédéric Mascha, Founder and President of Juvisé Pharmaceuticals, declared, “We are very pleased that our acquisition debt package was successfully syndicated in this oversubscribed early-bird phase and we would like to thank our financial partners for the trust they have shown in our project. We are proud to see that our commitment towards physicians, patients, and our Pharma partners convinced renowned financial institutions to support our ambitious development plan.”

About Arimidex® and Casodex®

Arimidex® (anastrozole) and Casodex® (bicalutamide) are hormone treatments for breast and prostate cancer. The two products are recognized as pillar in those cancer treatments and essential for both patients and physicians.

On 19th December 2019, Juvisé Pharmaceuticals acquired the rights of Arimidex® and Casodex® in 45 countries in Europe and a number of Middle Eastern and African markets.

About Juvisé Pharmaceuticals

Founded in 2008, Juvisé Pharmaceuticals is specialised in manufacturing, distributing and marketing its own branded pharmaceutical products. Juvisé focuses in offering treatments in: (i) Cardiology, (ii) Neuro-Psychiatry and (iii) Oncology.

The company business model consists in acquiring branded assets from large pharmaceutical companies like Novartis, AstraZeneca or Sigma Tau and optimising value creation through maximization of product life cycle.

11 years after its creation, Juvisé Pharmaceuticals has become a recognized international company commercializing its own treatments in 75 countries around the world.

For more information, please visit juvisepharmaceuticals.com.


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