12:06 uur 20-12-2019

Na het ontvangen van de People’s Choice Award 2019 op de #Phocuswright Conference, wint MagicStay de Laurier du Voyage d’Affaires (Business Travel Awards) 2019 in de categorie Reizigersveiligheid.

Reizigersveiligheid speelt een sleutelrol in de ontwikkelings- en differentiatiestrategie van MagicStay.

PARIJS – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Twee prijzen die de positionering van MagicStay versterken en haar status als een belangrijke speler in zakenreizen en mobiliteit bevestigen – een positie die het bedrijf in iets meer dan 5 jaar heeft bereikt.

Op dinsdag 16 december ontving MagicStay de Laurier du Voyage d’Affaires (Business Travel Awards) 2019 in de categorie Reizigersveiligheid. Deze erkenning komt minder dan een maand nadat MagicStay de People’s Choice Award ontving op de Phocuswright Conference in Miami.

Bedrijven zijn verantwoordelijk voor de veiligheid van hun werknemers, zowel op de werkplek als tijdens zakenreizen. Daarom hechten zij het grootste belang aan de middelen die hun dienstverleners op dit gebied hebben geïmplementeerd.

After receiving the 2019 People’s Choice Award at the #Phocuswright Conference, MagicStay wins the 2019 Laurier du Voyage d’Affaires (Business Travel Awards) in the Traveler Security category.

Traveler safety plays a key role in MagicStay’s development and differentiation strategy.

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Two awards that strengthen MagicStay’s positioning and assert its status as a major player in Business Travel and Mobility – a position it has reached in just over 5 years.

On Tuesday 16 December, MagicStay was awarded the 2019 Laurier du Voyage d’Affaires (Business Travel Awards) in the Traveler Security category. This recognition comes less than a month after MagicStay received the People’s Choice Award at the Phocuswright Conference in Miami.

Companies are responsible for the safety of their employees, both in the workplace and on business trips. Consequently, they attach the utmost importance to the resources implemented in this area by their service providers.

Having developed solutions to ensure the security of travelers on short business trips, MagicStay.com now provides new solutions to ensure similar protection for employees on long assignments or expatriation.

Therefore, these employees, who often did not have the same traceability tools and went off the company’s radar, now benefit from the same guarantees.

From now on, apartment reservations for stays lasting several months (expatriation or long assignments) will be communicated to the security personnel of the company which calls upon MagicStay’s services, as is already the case for business travelers.

A successful development

MagicStay currently offers more than 600,000 accommodations throughout the world (apartments or villas managed by professionals, as well as aparthotels for short or long term stays).

Since its creation in 2013, MagicStay has been winning awards:

– 2014 Silver Medal for the best upcoming e-commerce business at the Favor’i

– 2015: Prize for the best B2B company at the Lauriers du Voyage d’affaires (Business Travel Awards)

– 2016: 2016 Univ’AirPlus

– 2017: Business Service Innovation Trophy

As 2019 draws to a close, the company has received two new awards which are sure to spark interest among large organizations looking for alternative, secure solutions to the professional hotel business.


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The original source-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the source-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


MagicStay press:
Fanny Wong, f.wong@magicstay.com
MagicStay media library (press releases, logo, photo library)

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