15:45 uur 20-11-2019

Mercatus lanceert technologie-innovatie voor particuliere marktbeleggers

Nieuwe platformrelease definieert flexibiliteit, gegevensbeheer en mobiele besluitvorming opnieuw

SAN MATEO, Californië – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Mercatus, het dataplatform voor particuliere marktbeleggers, heeft vandaag de volgende generatie technologie gelanceerd, die de kracht van data en flexibele investerings modellering naar een geheel nieuw niveau brengt voor de particuliere beleggers van vandaag. De verbeterde gebruikersinterface en functies breken legacy technologische oplossingen af en stellen organisaties in staat om de complexe uitdagingen van vandaag beter te beheren:

  1. Voltooi de gegevenstransparantie van LP naar GP aan Portfolio Company voor het onderliggende actief
  2. Volledige mobiliteit: 24x7x365 mobiele omgeving, zodat activa- en fondsbeheerders toegang hebben tot de gegevens om nauwkeurige investeringsbeslissingen te nemen, hetzij in de directiekamer of op de luchthaven.
  3. Consumentenachtige gebruikersinterface-software die gemakkelijk en intuïtief is. Dat is wat we van een apps op onze mobiele telefoon verwachten, waarom zou het anders zijn voor bedrijfssoftware
  4. Flexibilty op alle niveaus voor klanten om hun eigen dashboards te configureren; niets meer verkwisten, betalende consultants en weken wachten op wijzigingen en updates.

Mercatus Launches Technology Innovation for Private Market Investors

New Platform Release Re-Defines Flexibility, Data Management and Mobile Enabled Decision Making

MATEO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Mercatus, the data platform for private market investors, today launched its next-generation technology, taking the power of data and flexible investment modeling to a whole new level for today’s private investors. The enhanced user interface and features shatter legacy technology solutions and enable organizations to better manage today’s complex challenges:

  1. Complete Data Transparency from LP to GP to Portfolio Company to the underlying asset
  2. Full Mobility: 24x7x365 mobile environment so asset and fund managers can access the data to make accurate investment decisions whether in the board room or at the airport.
  3. Consumer-like User Interface – software that’s easy and intuitive. That’s what we expect from apps on our mobile phone, why would it be any different for enterprise software?
  4. Flexibilty at the all levels for customers to configure their own dashboards; no more nickel and diming, paying consultants and waiting weeks for changes and updates.

“We’ve heard from the market all the frustrations and limitations with rigid software systems that can’t be dynamically configured to reflect the rapid changes and complexity of the business and the complicated relationships between LP, GP, portfolio companies and the underlying assets,” said Jason Adams, VP of Product at Mercatus. “So, we took on the challenge to re-architect our platform to truly flex with each customer’s business to surface data and insights in exactly the way they need. It’s no small feat, but it’s the right approach, and the feedback from customers has been overwhelming.”

Mercatus New Release Highlights:

  1. Entities Builder – Replicate your complex business hierarchies, including all sites, assets, portfolio companies, investors, partners, ESG initiatives, incident tracking, and more. Easily create and track many-to-many relationship mapping (no coding or consulting required)
  2. Structure View – No need to manually create a complex investment structure in PowerPoint or Visio anymore. Mercatus’ new Structure View automatically does this for you.
  3. Card View – Find and manage unlimited entity types from a single view with customizable images and filters to surface what you care about most.
  4. Speed and Mobility – because work doesn’t stop when you’re on the go, and neither do we.
  5. Portfolio Roll-Up Modeling – Easily aggregate and analyze monthly cash flows from your investment valuation models in a single place.

“It pains me to see the operational inefficiencies and unmitigated risk lurking inside so many large investment firms. Legacy technology systems simply weren’t built to handle today’s market complexities; it’s time to upgrade,” added Haresh Patel, CEO of Mercatus.

Mercatus delivers an end-to-end data platform for asset and investment management. At the heart of the Mercatus Platform is its ability to dynamically and systematically connect data, workflows, and models across the entire organization, so data can be efficiently harnessed and analyzed for investment decisions and data-rich reports.

Details & Availability

The new Mercatus Platform release is available and being rolled out to existing Mercatus customers. For more information about the latest Mercatus innovation, visit https://www.gomercatus.com/new-era/.

About Mercatus

Mercatus is the data and technology platform for private market investors. Our vision is total transparency across the entire investment lifecycle and investor ecosystem. Because the truth is in your data. Mercatus built the first mobile data architecture to systematically harness and control data, workflows, and financial models to accelerate growth and achieve alpha. Many leading global private market funds leverage Mercatus to manage over $540B of multi-asset investments globally. Mercatus delivers its cutting-edge data architecture platform from its headquarters in Silicon Valley with offices globally. For more information on what makes our approach different, visit www.gomercatus.com.


Melanie Flanigan



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