08:52 uur 17-10-2019

De durfkapitaaltak van het Aziatische toonaangevende digitale agentschap, Integrated Management Systems, kondigt de lancering aan van een organisch platform in China

HONGKONG (BUSINESS WIRE) – IMS Digital Ventures, het durfkapitaaltak van het belangrijke digitale transformatieagentschap van Azië, kondigt de lancering van een sociaal en contentplatform in China aan dat consumenten zal toelaten om organische producten dankzij blockchain-technologie te verifiëren.

Het organische platform OrgHive stelt consumenten in staat om de juiste aankoopbeslissing te nemen dankzij een real-time database verificatie, versterkt door blockchain-technologie.

Het onvermogen van consumenten om een onderscheid te maken tussen authentieke biologische producten en het gebrek aan objectieve informatie over de voordelen van de keuze voor biologische producten is een uitdaging gebleken voor merken bij het betrekken en verkopen aan Chinese consumenten. Het biologische platform overwint deze moeilijkheden door merken in staat te stellen het publiek effectief te bereiken, te betrekken en te converteren, dankzij een geavanceerd AI-algoritme dat gebruikers met relevante inhoud koppelt.

The Venture Capital Arm of Asia’s Leading Digital Agency, Integrated Management Systems, Announces Launch of Organic Platform in China

HONG KONG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IMS Digital Ventures, the venture capital arm of Asia’s leading digital transformation agency, announces the launch of a social and content platform in China that will enable consumers to authenticate organic products thanks to blockchain technology

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191013005041/en/

OrgHive is a unique social and content platform where users can verify product authenticity, share content, and interact with individuals & brands (Photo: Business Wire)

OrgHive is a unique social and content platform where users can verify product authenticity, share content, and interact with individuals & brands (Photo: Business Wire)

The organic platform, OrgHive, empowers consumers to make the right purchasing decision thanks to a real-time database verification enhanced by blockchain technology

The inability of consumers to differentiate between authentic organic products, as well as lack of objective information available on the benefits of choosing organic, has proved a challenge for brands when engaging and selling to Chinese consumers. The organic platform overcomes these difficulties by enabling brands to effectively reach, engage, and convert audiences, thanks to a sophisticated AI algorithm that matches users with relevant content.

Apart from verifying product certification, users can also publish reviews, share content, follow brands, and build their own following on the platform.

Chinese consumers spend significant time researching brands or products online and rely heavily on peer recommendations and crowdsourcing,” explains Anastasios Papadopoulos, CEO of Integrated Management Systems (IMS) and IMS Digital Ventures. “We’ve engineered the platform so that it takes into account the sophisticated Chinese consumer journey and provides an exciting ecosystem for audiences to interact and learn more about the benefits of wellness through organic lifestyle choices.

Increased transparency and effective marketing will empower brands to drive their success in China thanks to OrgHive

The platform will also enable brands direct access to these audiences through thoughtful and relevant communications. For example, brands who wish to join the platform can create their own microsite from which they can grow their following, send push notifications, and drive audiences to e-commerce channels.

This is a unique and exciting opportunity to share the future of the organic market in China,” states Anastasios Papadopoulos. “China’s surge in middle class consumers together with a consumer trend towards healthy lifestyle choices means there is a huge potential for market capture. For brands, we also provide a transparent and effective way to reach and convert customers in a fragmented and highly opaque digital landscape. By offering detailed insights to brands on platform analytics and user behaviour, we’re changing the rules of the game in China.

About Anastasios Papadopoulos, CEO of Integrated Management Systems (IMS) Hong Kong

After completing his training in M&A at Skadden Arps, Anastasios founded Integrated Management Systems in 2016 and played a key strategic role in positioning the company as one of the leading Digital Transformation Agencies in Hong Kong.

Combining his experience in M&A and Tech, Anastasios founded IMS Digital Ventures, the innovation, incubation and investment arm of IMS and Hong Kong’s first corporate venturing firm that launches and invests in disruptive businesses with Asia’s largest corporations.

Anastasios read Law in France and in the UK and holds a Management degree from HEC Paris.

Visit LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anastasios-papadopoulos-aa400778/

About Integrated Management Systems (IMS) Hong Kong

Integrated Management Systems (IMS) is Hong Kong’s leading Digital Transformation Agency, offering technological solutions for data-driven strategies that transform businesses. IMS helps clients to build, manage, monitor, and analyse an integrated, cross-channel platform to provide a seamless customer experience, maximising ROI and market potential.

Services span marketing automation & CRM, digital transformation, data analytics, and omni-channel marketing strategies and execution.

Visit website: https://www.imanagesystems.com/

Follow us on Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/company/integrated-management-systems-ims-hk-ltd./

About IMS Digital Ventures (IMS DV)

IMS DV is the venture capital arm of Integrated Management Systems. By leveraging state-of-the-art technology, the team at IMS DV is able to navigate industry change and help companies adopt disruptive business models while sharing the risks and upside through corporate venturing.

Working with Asia’s most influential corporations and visionary entrepreneurs, IMS DV catapults visions into viable businesses through sustainable and resourceful digital solutions.

Visit website: http://www.imsdv.com/


Integrated Management Systems HK
Manuela Buerki, +852 3611 7840

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