14:03 uur 20-08-2019

Argo: nieuwe overeenkomst ondertekend om vermogen met 357% uit te breiden

  • Argo heeft ook een optie om de mijncapaciteit te verhogen met maximaal 1360 petahash (PH) of 1,36 exahash (EH), waardoor het tegen 2020 de grootste beursgenoteerde cryptomijner ter wereld wordt

LONDEN-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Argo, een in het Verenigd Koninkrijk gevestigde leverancier van diensten op het gebied van bedrijfscryptocurrency mining (LSE: ARB), is verheugd aan te kondigen dat het een nieuwe overeenkomst is aangegaan die de elektriciteitsvoorziening met 357 procent zal verhogen.

In het kader van de overeenkomst met GPU.one, een toonaangevende Canadese datacenterleverancier, verhoogt de toegang van het bedrijf tot schone energievoorzieningen van 14 megawatt tot 64 megawatt, onder vergelijkbare voorwaarden als de bestaande overeenkomst, in de twee datacenters in Quebec en de nieuwe datacenters in Oost-Canada.

De overeenkomst bestrijkt een periode van drie jaar vanaf 25 juni 2019, met een optie om de overeenkomst daarna met nog eens met twee jaar te verlengen.

Argo: New Agreement Signed to Expand Power Capacity by 357%

  • Argo will also have an option to boost mining capacity by up to 1360 petahash (PH), or 1.36 exahash (EH), positioning it to be the world’s largest publicly listed crypto miner by 2020

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Argo, a UK-based provider of enterprise scale cryptocurrency mining services (LSE: ARB), is pleased to announce it has entered into a new agreement that will increase its electricity supply by 357 per cent.

Under the terms of the agreement with GPU.one, a leading Canadian data centre provider, the Company’s access to clean power supplies increases from 14 megawatts to 64 megawatts, on similar terms to its existing agreement, at its two data centres in Quebec and its new data centres in Eastern Canada.

The agreement covers a three-year period from June 25th, 2019, with an option to extend thereafter for an additional two years.

The addition of 50 megawatts of power will allow the Company to run up to 15,000 more mining machines concurrently, taking its total Bitcoin (BTC) mining capacity from 505 petahash (PH), as announced on July 4th, to 1.36 exahash (EH), which would currently make Argo the largest publicly listed crypto miner in the world.

The new agreement will be entirely funded out of crypto mining proceeds from Argo’s existing facilities in Quebec.

Mike Edwards, Executive Chairman of Argo, said: “We are taking another major leap in expanding our mining capacity as the cryptomining industry goes from strength to strength. By 2020, our aim is for Argo to be both the most efficient and the largest publicly listed crypto miner in the world. Our combination of green energy at competitive rates, a world class team and the most efficient hardware positions Argo for the long-term.”

About Argo:

Argo Blockchain plc is a global data centre business that provides a purpose-built and flexible platform for mining of leading cryptocurrencies for the enterprise-scale and institutional sectors worldwide from operational centres in Canada. The Company is headquartered in London, UK and its shares are listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange under the ticker: ARB.


See Argo’s largest facility in Quebec:



Argo Blockchain
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