03:45 uur 27-02-2019

SpotSee’s SpotBot Cellular verkrijgt CE-markering, waardoor verkoop in heel Europa mogelijk wordt

DALLAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SpotSee, een wereldleider in schok-, vibratie- en temperatuurbewaking door middel van low-cost connectiviteit en data, is nu gecertificeerd om zijn impact-monitoring device SpotBot™ Cellular te distribueren in alle landen van de Europese Economische Gemeenschap, alsook in Brazilië, Canada, China, Japan, Mexico, Zuid-Korea en de Verenigde Staten.

“Sinds we twee jaar geleden onze certificering in de EU ontvingen, is SpotSee in staat geweest relaties op te bouwen binnen de Europese markt en uit te breiden naar andere landen”, aldus Angela Kerr, vice president, productportfolio bij SpotSee. "Nu kan SpotBot Cellular in meer dan 30 landen worden gebruikt om een transparantere logistieke keten te creëren.

SpotSee’s SpotBot Cellular Earns CE Marking, Allowing Device Sales Across Europe

DALLAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SpotSee, a global leader in shock, vibration and temperature monitoring through low-cost connectivity and data, is now certified to distribute its impact-monitoring device SpotBot™ Cellular in all countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, Mexico, South Korea and the United States.

“Since receiving our certification in the EEA two years ago, SpotSee has been able to build relationships within the European market and expand into other countries,” said Angela Kerr, vice president, product portfolio, SpotSee. “Now, SpotBot Cellular can be utilized in over 30 countries to create a more transparent supply chain and shipping process.”

Radio and telecommunications equipment looking to be sold within the EEA must be assessed to meet environmental, health and safety (EHS) protection requirements. Once approved, the CE marking is placed on items to prove that they meet all legal requirements before being marketed or sold. This applies to products distributed in the EEA regardless of country origin. The EEA includes all European Union countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

SpotBot Cellular is a stand-alone device that delivers global, real-time, tri-axial impact monitoring and tracking through cellular connectivity. The device tracks impact, temperature and location around the world and has an operating battery life of up to 75 days when reporting once an hour. It is mainly used when shipping items that are susceptible to damage during transport and provides comprehensive supply-chain transparency.

For more information on SpotSee and its products, visit www.spotsee.io.

About SpotSee

SpotSee is an internet of things end-to-end solution provider that enables customers to spot damage in their operations and see it in real time. SpotSee has developed a low-cost, connected ecosystem that includes its own mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE) that delivers data from devices anywhere in the world to customers’ fingertips. SpotSee devices monitor shock, vibration, temperature and other environmental conditions through its market-leading brands such as ShockWatch®, ShockLog®, SpotBot™, OpsWatch and WarmMark®. The company has a global network of over 300 sales and technical service partners in 62 countries. SpotSee is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with operations in Brazil, Netherlands, United Kingdom, China, Mexico and Graham, Texas. For more information, visit www.spotsee.io.


Elle Glatz
MCC for SpotSee

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