12:16 uur 28-01-2019

AMPLEXOR krijgt opnieuw contract met DG CONNECT van de Europese Commissie

LUXEMBOURG-(BUSINESS WIRE)- AMPLEXOR, een toonaangevende leverancier van wereldwijde inhoud- en taaloplossingen, heeft een vierjarig vertaalcontract gekregen bij het directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, inhoud en technologie (DG CONNECT) van de Europese Commissie. DG CONNECT is verantwoordelijk voor de ontwikkeling van een interne digitale markt voor marketing, e-handel en telecommunicatie om slimme, duurzame groei in Europa te genereren.1

Dit is de vierde keer op rij dat AMPLEXOR dit contract heeft gekregen, waarmee de samenwerking al meer dan tien jaar wordt voortgezet.

Het winnen van het contract betekent dat AMPLEXOR de kennisgevingen en alle bijbehorende documentatie die door de nationale regelgevende instanties aan de Europese Commissie wordt toegezonden, zal vertalen. De te vertalen inhoud heeft betrekking op artikel 7 van Kaderrichtlijn 2002/21/EG (zoals gewijzigd bij Richtlijn 2009/140/EG).

“AMPLEXOR heeft zich altijd ingezet om de Europese Commissie vertalingen van wereldklasse en projectondersteuning te leveren die voldoen aan de complexe eisen van de organisatie”, aldus Daina Misina-Eglite, Executive VP Public & Media van AMPLEXOR. “Wij hechten grote waarde aan onze voortdurende relatie met DG CONNECT”, aldus Daina Misina-Eglite, Executive VP Public & Media van AMPLEXOR.

AMPLEXOR Once Again Awarded Contract with European Commission’s DG CONNECT

LUXEMBOURG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– AMPLEXOR, a leading provider of global content and language solutions, has been awarded a four-year translation contract with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). DG CONNECT is responsible for developing a single digital market for marketing, e-Commerce and telecommunications to generate smart, sustainable growth in Europe.1

This marks the fourth time in a row AMPLEXOR has been awarded this contract, continuing the cooperation for over a decade.

Winning the contract means AMPLEXOR will translate notifications and all related documentation sent to the European Commission by National Regulatory Authorities. The content to be translated relates to Article 7 of the Framework Directive 2002/21/EC (as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC).

“AMPLEXOR has always been committed to providing the European Commission with world-class translations and project support that meet the organization’s complex requirements,” said Daina Misina-Eglite, AMPLEXOR’s Executive VP of Public & Media. “We greatly value our continued relationship with DG CONNECT.”

AMPLEXOR has served public institutions across the EU and the globe for over 30 years and thus has a comprehensive understanding of public sector project and communications requirements.


AMPLEXOR International, headquartered in Luxembourg, is a leading digital solution provider offering global compliance, digital experience and content solutions. Continuously growing since its foundation in 1987 and today with a presence in over 23 countries, AMPLEXOR helps customers across key industries, such as Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Energy & Environment, the Public Sector and Defense, Aerospace & Transport achieve process efficiency, increase revenue generation, reduce time-to-market and ensure quality and compliance. AMPLEXOR’s turnkey solutions support core industry processes, and include software technology, consulting, system integration, and language and content management services. For more information, visit www.AMPLEXOR.com.

1 The European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/communications-networks-content-and-technology_en


Gretchen Sampair
Content Marketing Manager
email: Gretchen.Sampair@amplexor.com
phone: 715-426-9505

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