17:14 uur 29-11-2018

De Fukushima I want to Show the World Photo Contest 2018; Fukushima International Association’s aankondiging van de prijswinnende foto’s


Bekijk deze foto’s die genomen zijn vanuit het perspectief van de buitenlandse inwoners van Fukushima en die de huidige situatie van de regio illustreren.

Fukushima International Association heeft onlangs een fotowedstrijd gehouden voor buitenlandse inwoners van Fukushima. We ontvingen veel foto’s en berichten van buitenlandse bewoners die de huidige situatie van Fukushima wilden demonstreren aan hun woonplaats en aan de wereld. De resultaten van de fotowedstrijd zijn nu bekend.

Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier het volledige persbericht: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181129005254/en/

The Fukushima I Want to Show the World Photo Contest 2018; Fukushima International Association’s Announcement of the Prize-Winning Photos


Please have a look at these photos that are taken from the perspective of Fukushima’s foreign residents and illustrate the current situation of the prefecture.

Fukushima International Association recently held a photo contest for foreign residents living in Fukushima. We received many photos and messages from foreign residents who wanted to demonstrate Fukushima’s current situation to their hometowns and to the world. The results of the photo contest have now been decided.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181129005254/en/

The Grand Prize “Hope for good harvest” Photographer: Cheng Tongjun (From China), Location: Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (Photo: Business Wire)

The grand prize was awarded to Cheng Tongjun’s “Hope for good harvest.” The photo portrays Fukushima’s Aizu region’s beautiful rice paddies and her message expresses how the rice harvested from those rice paddies is delicious.

For the photo contest, foreign residents from 21 countries submitted over 180 photos. Various perspectives of Fukushima were portrayed such as beautiful sceneries, festivals, daily life as well as the current situation of the tsunami-disaster areas, etc. These photos are filled with an appreciation towards Fukushima as a “second-home”.

The first round of judging was done by foreign residents who are currently residing in Fukushima. The judges were from China, Paraguay/Argentina, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Canada. For the final round of judging, photojournalist Yasuda Natsuki decided the top prize winners out of the photos that were selected from the first round.

Then, on November 4th, the awards ceremony took place at Fukushima City, where Yasuda Natsuki presented the award certificates and supplementary prizes to the winners.

The excellence prizes were awarded to Australia’s Gavin Keane Carvalho with his photo, “Ouchi-juku- Snow Festival”; South Africa’s Michelle Krüger with her photo, “15:40”; and lastly, Indonesia’s Reza Ahmad Fakhrizal with his photo, “Insya Allah you’ll find your Way”. Five other people were awarded Special-Pick prizes as well.

You can take a look at the photos as well as the list of winners from the following web address.

About Fukushima International Association



Fukushima International Association
Hashikawa Atsuko

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