12:12 uur 13-11-2018

HIMSS kondigt internationale uitbreiding van Healthcare IT-news en MobiHealth News aan

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– HIMSS, een wereldwijde adviseur en thought leader die de transformatie van gezondheid door middel van informatie en technologie ondersteunt, kondigde vandaag de lancering aan van regionale edities van HealthcareITNews.com en MobiHealthNews.com voor Asia Pacific, Europa en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Deze publicaties zullen regionaal nieuws en analyse combineren met gecureerd thought leadership en inzichten in de uitdagingen waar het ecosysteem van de gezondheidszorg voor staat.

“Het wereldwijde gezondheids-ecosysteem spreekt vele talen en heeft vele unieke uitdagingen, maar ze zijn allemaal bezig met hervormingen, zodat elke persoon de best mogelijke gezondheid kan hebben”, zegt Hal Wolf III, President en CEO, HIMSS. “De merken HealthcareITNews.com en MobiHealthNews.com zijn betrouwbare bronnen van inzicht en informatie voor professionals in de gezondheidszorg en technologie, en de uitbreiding stelt ons in staat om een wereldwijd publiek aan te spreken en tegelijkertijd een robuust platform te bieden om HIMSS’ thought leadership en inzicht te leveren.

HIMSS Announces International Expansion of Healthcare IT News and MobiHealth News

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– HIMSS, a global advisor and thought leader supporting the transformation of health through information and technology, today announced the launch of regional editions of HealthcareITNews.com and MobiHealthNews.com for Asia Pacific, Europe and the United Kingdom. Both publications will combine regional news and analysis, with curated thought leadership and insights on the challenges facing the healthcare ecosystem.

“The global health ecosystem speaks many languages and has many unique challenges but all are driving to reform so each person can have the best health possible,” says Hal Wolf III, President and CEO, HIMSS. “The HealthcareITNews.com and MobiHealthNews.com brands are trusted sources of insight and information for healthcare and technology professionals, and the expansion allows us to engage a global audience while providing a robust platform to deliver HIMSS’ thought leadership and insight.”

“The European and UK editions will be distributed biweekly, with original news and analysis that is timely and relevant,” says Dillan Yogendra, HIMSS’s managing editor for the European editions. “With plans for a European exchange format for Electronic Health Records and a growing interest in sharing genomic databanks across EU nations, it’s critical for stakeholders to stay abreast of local and regional developments around policy, legal, regulatory and consumer/patient initiatives.”

The Asia Pacific editions will follow a similar approach for editorial coverage. “The APAC region is experiencing high heterogeneity in HIT adoption within and across countries – from innovating to prevent blindness in rural India and telemedicine in Thailand, to a National EHR in Singapore and AI in Chinese hospitals,” says Dean Koh, HIMSS’s APAC region editor. “APAC truly is a microcosm of the evolving concerns, standards and technological trends that are transforming global healthcare. Our goal is to provide regional news and intelligence to our audiences, while contributing significantly to perspectives that can be shared across the world.”


HIMSS is a global advisor and thought leader supporting the transformation of health through information and technology. As a mission driven non-profit, HIMSS offers a unique depth and breadth of expertise in health innovation, public policy, workforce development, research and analytics to advise global leaders, stakeholders and influencers on best practices in health information and technology. Through our innovation companies, HIMSS delivers key insights, education and engaging events to providers, governments and suppliers, ensuring they have the right information at the point of decision.


Karen Groppe

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