15:55 uur 30-10-2018

Laatste OrderDynamics onderzoek wijst uit dat slechts 37,6% van de Retailers wereldwijd Click & Collect aanbiedt


OrderDynamics’ Omni-2000 Research evalueert het omni-channelaanbod van meer dan 2.000 retailers wereldwijd

OrderDynamics, ontwikkelaar van ‘s werelds meest geavanceerde, out-of-the-box Distributed Order Management (DOM) systeem, kondigde vandaag nieuwe onderzoeksresultaten aan. Het Omni-2000 Research: Global werpt licht op het omni-channeldienstenaanbod van meer dan 2.000 retailers wereldwijd. Dit rapport is een vervolg op en uitbreiding van het Omni-1000 Research 2017 van het bedrijf.

De belangrijkste bevindingen zijn onder meer dat minder dan de helft van de retailers het winkelend publiek toegang geeft tot basisvoorraadzichtbaarheid. Van de meer dan 2.000 retailers heeft slechts een schokkende 38,1% zichtbaarheid van de basisvoorraad op productpagina’s. Een strikte vergelijking van jaar tot jaar op jaarbasis met een daling van 30,7% van de actieve online zichtbaarheid van de voorraad. Dit is een zorgwekkende daling in een industrie die zoveel veranderingen ondergaat. Passieve zichtbaarheid van de voorraad is een factor in deze daling. In tegenstelling tot actieve voorraadzichtbaarheid geeft een passieve aanpak enkel signalen wanneer een product niet op voorraad is.

Latest OrderDynamics Global Research Finds Only 37.6% of Retailers Offer Click & Collect


OrderDynamics’ Omni-2000 Research evaluates the omni-channel offerings of more than 2,000 retailers worldwide

OrderDynamics, developers of the world’s most advanced, out-of-the-box Distributed Order Management (DOM) System, today announced new research findings. The Omni-2000 Research: Global sheds light on the omni-channel service offerings of more than 2,000 retailers worldwide. This report is a follow-up and expansion of the company’s 2017 Omni-1000 Research.

Key findings include that less than half of retailers provide shoppers with access to basic inventory visibility. Out of the 2,000+ retailers, only a shocking 38.1% show basic inventory visibility on product pages. A strict like-for-like, year-over-year comparison found a 30.7% drop in active online inventory visibility. This is a concerning drop in an industry experiencing so much change. Passive inventory visibility is a factor in this drop. Unlike active inventory visibility, a passive approach only signals when a good is out of stock.

Based on data collected from retailers in a variety of sectors across the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, France, Germany and Austria, the report revealed:

  • 37.6% of retailers offer click & collect today.
  • 34.8% of BOPIS retailers commit to having orders ready within 24 hours.
  • 72.6% of omni-channel retailers offer BORIS (Buy Online, Return In-Store).
  • 11.4% of omni-channel merchants have a site optimized for mobile commerce.

For the second year in a row, the U.K. is the leading country in click & collect, with 64% of retailers offering the service. Consistent with last year’s Omni-1000 results, the U.S. lags, ranking lowest of the countries assessed, with only 27.5% of retailers providing BOPIS. Over 69% of consumers acknowledge having tried omni-channel retailing and would like to see more of it. As such, retailers are missing an opportunity for promotion. Further, only 57.1% of retailers offering the service advertise it on their website’s front page.

“To increase sales and retain customers, omni-channel retailers today need to provide customers with clarity,” said Nick McLean, CEO, OrderDynamics. “The Omni-2000 reveals where retailers are strong, and other areas where they are lacking across a variety of metrics. Whether it is low stock visibility or general service awareness about cross-channel fulfillment, these are opportunities to get closer to what drives customer demand. OrderDynamics hopes retailers can use these benchmarks to improve their own businesses.”

Click here to access the global study.

About OrderDynamics

OrderDynamics is the world’s leading Out-of-the-Box Distributed Order Management Technology provider. Focused on powering retail fulfillment, OrderDynamics helps clients make omni-channel retail a reality. Its DOM provides client capabilities like order orchestration, enterprise-wide inventory visibility, returns management, customer service, and store driven fulfillment. OrderDynamics enables customer options like Buy Online Pickup In-Store (BOPIS), and ship-from-store, creating exceptional shopping experiences. Iconic brands like Speedo, Boardriders, Columbia Sportswear, JYSK, Princess Auto, Crabtree and Evelyn, and Browns Shoes use OrderDynamics technology across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. For more information, visit http://www.orderdynamics.com



Ketner Group Communications (for OrderDynamics)
Amanda Reed, 512-794-8876

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