14:49 uur 08-08-2018

QUANTM bestralingssysteem™ krijgt CE-keurmerk


Eersteklas, geavanceerde technologie maakt de productie van hoogwaardige radio-isotopen op medische cyclotrons mogelijk

ARTMS Products kondigt vandaag aan dat het een CE-keurmerk heeft gekregen voor het geavanceerde technologische QUANTM bestralingssysteem™ voor de productie van hoogwaardige radio-isotopen, zoals Tc-99m en Ga-68, op medische cyclotrons.

Cyclotronfabrieken worden voortdurend geconfronteerd met hogere isotopenkosten en een verminderd aanbod. Nu ARTMS Products een CE-keurmerk heeft gekregen, kan ARTMS’s QUANTM bestralingssysteem™ bedrijven helpen om deze problemen te verlichten.

“Het CE-keurmerk is een belangrijke mijlpaal voor ARTMS,” stelt Dr. Kaley Wilson, CEO van ARTMS-producten. “Er ligt een enorme kans in het bieden van een kosteneffectieve en veilige voorziening van radio-isotopen aan ziekenhuizen en onderzoeksinstellingen. ARTMS zorgt voor een economischer, milieuvriendelijker en beter beveiligde voorziening van belangrijke radio-isotopen dan op reactoren gebaseerde bronnen.”



QUANTM Irradiation System™ Earns CE Mark Approval


First-in-class, advanced technology enables production of high-value radioisotopes on medical cyclotrons

ARTMS Products today announced it received CE marking approval for its first-in-class, advanced technology QUANTM Irradiation System™ for producing high-value radioisotopes, such as Tc-99m and Ga-68, on medical cyclotrons. Cyclotron facilities are constantly facing higher isotope costs and poor supply availability. Now, with CE marking, ARTMS’ QUANTM Irradiation System™ will help ease these issues.

“CE marking is an important milestone for ARTMS,” remarked Dr. Kaley Wilson, CEO of ARTMS Products. “There is a huge opportunity in providing a cost effective and secured supply of radioisotopes to hospitals and research institutions. ARTMS provides a more economical, environmentally safe and secured supply of important radioisotopes than reactor-based sources. Now, with CE marking approval, ARTMS can be readily integrated in a standardized fashion into existing and emerging facilities which ultimately leads to improved patient access and care across Europe.”

Giving Cyclotron Facilities More Control Over the Supply of Medical Isotopes

Unlike traditional reactor and generator production methods, which are growing increasingly more expensive and cannot consistently supply user requirements, the ARTMS QUANTM Irradiation System™ combines both local production control and a cost-effective, easy-to-use solid target system for production of radioisotopes on medical cyclotrons. Medical radioisotopes are used in the field of nuclear medicine on a daily basis for both medical diagnostic imaging and therapy, particularly in the fields of oncology, cardiology and neurology.

The ARTMS QUANTM Irradiation System™ is currently available for most OEM cyclotron systems and has been installed and is operating in a number of countries.

About ARTMS Products

Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, ARTMS Products Inc. is a leader in the development of novel technologies and products which enable the production of the world’s most-used diagnostic imaging isotope, technetium-99m (Tc-99m), using local, hospital-based medical cyclotrons. ARTMS holds the exclusive global commercialization rights to award-winning and proprietary Canadian inventions which address these challenges, and which offer the prospect of revolutionizing the nuclear medicine industry.

For more information on the QUANTM Irradiation System™ and ARTMS Products, please follow us on Twitter @Quantm99 and LinkedIn and visit http://www.artms.ca/



ARTMS Products Inc.
Michael Cross

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