16:30 uur 24-07-2018

Moody’s toont vooruitgang van het openen van de deuren naar een betere toekomst


Het onlangs uitgebrachte rapport van Moody’s Corporation (NYSE:MCO) over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (MVO) beschrijft de vooruitgang die het bedrijf heeft geboekt bij het realiseren van zijn doel om mensen over de hele wereld in staat te stellen een betere toekomst te creëren voor zichzelf, hun gemeenschappen en het milieu.

“Moody’s CSR-strategie is gericht op het vinden van uitdagingen die we kunnen oplossen door wegen naar kennis en kansen te creëren”, aldus Raymond McDaniel, President en Chief Executive Officer van Moody’s. “Ik ben er trots op dat de medewerkers van Moody’s hun tijd en expertise hebben besteed aan het aanpakken van deze uitdagingen – van het ondersteunen van kleine bedrijfseigenaren tot het koesteren van het milieu – op manieren die de wereld om ons heen ten goede hebben veranderd.”

Als onderdeel van zijn focus op het versterken van mensen met financiële kennis, kondigde Moody’s onlangs Reshape TomorrowTM aan, een initiatief om samen te werken met organisaties over de hele wereld om eigenaren van kleine bedrijven te helpen de uitdagingen van de groei van hun onderneming te overwinnen.

Moody’s Details Its Progress Opening Doors to a Better Future

NEW YORK & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Moody’s Corporation’s (NYSE:MCO) newly released Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report details the company’s progress in delivering on its goal of empowering people around the world to create a better future for themselves, their communities and the environment.

“Moody’s CSR strategy is focused on finding challenges that we can solve by creating paths to knowledge and opportunity,” said Raymond McDaniel, President and Chief Executive Officer of Moody’s. “I am proud that Moody’s employees have dedicated their time and expertise to addressing these challenges – from supporting small business owners to nurturing the environment — in ways that have changed the world around us for the better.”

As part of its focus on empowering people with financial knowledge, Moody’s recently announced Reshape TomorrowTM, an initiative to partner with organizations around the world to help small business owners overcome the challenges of growing their enterprise.

“Our CSR strategy builds on Moody’s unique business strengths to make a lasting difference in people’s lives by helping them thrive in the evolving global economy,” said Arlene Isaacs-Lowe, Global Head of CSR at Moody’s. “We look forward to building our Reshape Tomorrow program to empower small business owners – especially women and members of untapped communities – to help them access the expertise and credit they need to grow.”

The report details Moody’s ongoing initiatives to support financial empowerment, as well as in each of its other areas of focus: activating an environmentally sustainable future, helping young people reach their potential, and sharing our passion and purpose with the world.

Activating an environmentally sustainable future

Moody’s Investors Service incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into its credit analysis, with a dedicated team that helps global investors, governments and issuers understand the links between sustainability and credit risk.

In addition, Moody’s Green Bond Assessments (GBAs) provide vital information to investors on the governance of new green bond issuances, including the disclosure of information and how the proceeds are used. As of June 30, 2018, Moody’s had assessed 40 green bonds worth almost $19.5 billion, empowering investors with the information they need to confidently make investments in projects that benefit the environment.

In addition, the Moody’s Foundation supports Trees For Life, which aims to preserve and restore Scotland’s Caledonian Forest. Moody’s established a grove of 3,600 native trees and adds to the grove each time a GBA is published.

Moody’s also maintains a clear focus on its own environmental impact. In 2017, despite a 7% increase in physical footprint, Moody’s Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions fell by 9%, the equivalent of keeping 355 cars off the road for a year.

Helping young people reach their potential

Moody’s supports a range of initiatives to help young people reach their potential through mentoring, skills-development programs and internships. Moody’s sponsors a computing and professional skills program with Girls Who Code for high school students in San Francisco and New York, encouraging women to bring their talents to careers in finance, technology and economics.

Sharing our passion and purpose with the world

Moody’s employees play an integral role in driving CSR through volunteer efforts, contributions of pro bono expertise and board service on behalf of nonprofits.

The report details ways in which Moody’s employees demonstrated their commitment to local communities, from helping a South African primary school provide fresh vegetables for its students, to offering data analytics expertise to the Hetrick-Martin Institute, which supports LGBTQ young people in New York and New Jersey.

To learn more about Moody’s Corporate Social Responsibility, visit www.moodys.com/csr.

About Moody’s

Moody’s is an essential component of the global capital markets, providing credit ratings, research, tools and analysis that contribute to transparent and integrated financial markets. Moody’s Corporation (NYSE:MCO) is the parent company of Moody’s Investors Service, which provides credit ratings and research covering debt instruments and securities, and Moody’s Analytics, which offers leading-edge software, advisory services and research for credit and economic analysis and financial risk management. The corporation, which reported revenue of $4.2 billion in 2017, employs approximately 12,000 people worldwide and maintains a presence in 42 countries. Further information is available at www.moodys.com.




Moody’s Corporation
STEPHEN MAIRE, 1 212-553-7424
Global Head of Investor Relations and Communications
LARA JOSEPH, 44 207-772-1026
Assistant Vice President
Corporate Communications

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