16:13 uur 08-05-2018

MBA Alumni overleg “Perspectieven van duurzame energieopwekking voor elektriciteit op en buiten elektriciteitsnet” op de 2e Alumni Conference

BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin en de Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) organiseren de tweede MBA Renewables Alumni Conference, die tussen 6 en 10 juni plaatsvindt in Berlijn (Duitsland). Gesteund door expertise van economische, financiële en juridische zaken, zullen MBA Renewables met oud-studenten uit 21 landen “Perspectives of Renewable Power Generation for On-grid and Off-grid Power Supply” bespreken. De Alumni Conference maakte uitwisseling en interationale netwerken mogelijk tijdens de verschillende seminars, praktijkoefeningen en excursies.

Processen voor de overgang naar groene energie vereisen de combinatie van verschillende technologieën voor hernieuwbare energie voor elektriciteitsvoorziening op het elektriciteitsnet en buiten het elektriciteitsnet. Afgestudeerden van MBA Renewables  vormen een gevarieerde groep van deskundigen met verschillende focussen op hernieuwbare energie en energie-efficiëntie, waardoor de Alumni Conference een uitstekend platform voor discussie is. Bovendien heeft MBA Renewables dit jaar een mijlpaal bereikt van 75 afgestudeerden.


Moving forward: MBA Renewables Alumni Discuss “Perspectives of Renewable Power Generation for On-grid and Off-grid Power Supply” at the 2nd Alumni Conference

BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) are organising the second MBA RenewablesAlumni Conference, which takes place from 6 to 10 June in Berlin (Germany). Backed with expertise on economic, financial and legal aspects, MBA Renewablesformer students from 21 countries will discuss “Perspectives of Renewable Power Generation for On-grid and Off-grid Power Supply”. The Alumni Conference enables exchange and international networking during the various seminars, practical exercises and field trips.

Energy transition processes towards green energy require the combination of different renewable energy technologies for on-grid and off-grid power supply. MBA Renewables graduates constitute a multicultural group of experts with diverse focuses on the renewable energy and energy efficiency fields, thus making the Alumni Conference an excellent platform for discussion. Moreover, this year MBA Renewables has reached the milestone of having 75 graduates.

“I decided to participate in the holistic MBA Renewables to enhance my skills and, most of all, to formalise my practical experience gained during my daily work”, explained Jens Hauser, MBA Renewables 75th Graduate and energy expert at Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “The certificate of an acknowledged higher education facility such as Beuth University of Applied Science clearly proves my renewable energy skills and illustrates my expertise.”

The distance learning programme MBA Renewables is designed to equip future leaders with advanced interdisciplinary management skills for executive positions in the highly globalised market of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Graduates can pursue career paths along the whole green energy value chain, from the private sector to public organisations, financing institutions and consultancies.

Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin offers more than 72 accredited programmes in engineering, science and economics. The Institute of Distance Learning has more than 32 years of experience in higher education.

RENAC, a globally operating expert on training for renewable energies and energy efficiency, serves as a bridge between students and the industry.

The application period for the next MBA Renewables intake ends on 1 September, 2018. For further information, please visit the MBA Renewables website.

The MBA Renewables Alumni Conference is supported by German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD – with funds from the Federal Foreign Office.



Renewables Academy AG (RENAC)
Elena Cantos
+49 (0)30526895870

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