08:45 uur 21-03-2018

LIAF: Experts Europees Parlement – E-sigaretten een mogelijke revolutie voor de Europese gezondheid

BRUSSEL – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Onderstaande is een verklaring van LIAF – Lega Italiana Anti Fumo:

De paneldiscussie in het Europees Parlement erkent de potentiële voordelen van elektronische sigaretten en vindt dat de Europese landen deze producten moeten behandelen als reguliere consumentenproducten om gelijke beschikbaarheid voor alle Europeanen te waarborgen.

Na een debat waarin toonaangevende wetenschappelijke experts het state-of-the-art bewijsmateriaal rond e-sigaretten presenteerden, werd duidelijk dat de gezondheidzorg steeds meer kiest voor een strategie om schade te beperken dan voor een benadering waarin het alleen gaat om ‘stoppen of sterven’.

“Ik ben blij dat ik in het Parlement aandacht heb geschonken aan deze belangrijke kwestie voor de volksgezondheid. Vandaag hebben we geluisterd naar de resultaten van wetenschappelijke onderzoek die ons de voordelen van elektronische sigaretten voor de volksgezondheid hebben laten zien in vergelijking met de conventionele sigaretten. Als besluitvormers moeten we rekening houden met deze resultaten en aan deze innovatieve producten een duidelijk regelgevingskader bieden.” – Giovanni La Via, lid van het Europees Parlement.

LIAF: Experts at the European Parlament – E-Cigarettes Are a Potential Game Changer for European Health

BRUSSELS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The following is a statement from LIAF – Lega Italiana Anti Fumo:

The panel discussion at the EU Parliament recognises the potential benefits of electronic cigarettes and for European countries to treat these products as regular consumer products to ensure equal access for all Europeans.

Following a debate in which leading scientific experts presented the state-of-the-art evidence around e-cigarettes, it became clear that public health is increasingly moving on from an approach that solely advocates ‘quit-or-die’ to a harm reduction strategy.

“I’m glad to have brought the Parliament attention to this important issue for public health. Today we have listened to the results of scientific studies and researches from a high-level expert’s roundtable, which have illustrated to us the advantages of electronic cigarettes and the potential public health benefits that these products pose when compared to the conventional cigarettes. As decision-makers, we need to take into considerations these results, confront with all the relevant actors involved in the process, and offer to these innovative products a clear regulatory environment.” – Giovanni La Via, Member of the European Parliament.

Research presented during the debate shows that e-cigarettes play a significant role in helping smokers to quit. Evidence presented also showed that there is no conclusive evidence supporting fears about the ‘gateway effect’, but that youth smoking in countries where e-cigarettes have been supported is in decline.

“There is currently no evidence that e-cigarettes are undermining efforts to reduce youth smoking in Europe. It is important that unfounded fears about ‘the gateway effect’ do not detract from the contribution that e-cigarettes can make in helping current smokers to quit. In the UK, where e-cigarette use has been particularly common, youth smoking rates continue to decline” – Professor Linda Bauld, University of Stirling.

“The EU needs to work together with the scientific community to ensure an evidence-based approach which promotes a harm reduction strategy for the good of European citizens. This is an opportunity that Europe has so far missed out on. It’s an opportunity for society to battle one of the most serious public health issues in Europe. It is encouraging to witness the growing political will to change this” – Professor Riccardo Polosa, University of Catania.



LIAF – Lega Italiana Anti Fumo
Valeria Nicolosi

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