12:10 uur 20-02-2018

Zonoville Investments Limited akkoord over aankoop RUSAL-aandelen

MOSKOU–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Zonoville Investments Limited, een consortium van investeerders onder aanvoering van Renova Group en Access Industries, heeft vandaag aangekondigd akkoord te zijn over de aankoop van een belang van 6 procent in United Company RUSAL Plc. Zonoville neemt dat belang over van de Onexim Group.

Na afronding van de aankoop hebben Zonoville Investments Limited en het zusterbedrijf SUAL Partners Limited tezamen een belang van circa 26,5 procent in United Company RUSAL Plc.


Zonoville Investments Limited Announces Agreement on Acquisition of RUSAL Shares

MOSCOW–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Zonoville Investments Limited, a consortium of investors led by Renova Group and Access Industries, announced today that it had reached an agreement with Onexim Group to purchase its 6% stake in the United Company RUSAL Plc.

Following completion of the purchase, Zonoville Investments Limited and its associate SUAL Partners Limited will hold, in aggregate, approximately a 26.5% interest in United Company RUSAL Plc.

About Renova

Renova Group of companies (www.renova.ru) is a major private Russian business group which owns and manages assets in metallurgy, mining, chemical, construction, transport, energy, telecommunications, high-tech engineering, public utilities, medicine and financial sectors in Russia and abroad (CIS, Switzerland, Italy, South Africa and the United States of America). Renova’s largest assets include its interests in UC Rusal, T Plus Group, OCTO Telematics and Swiss-based technology concerns Schmolz+Bickenbach, OC Oerlikon, and Sulzer.

About Access Industries

Founded in 1986 by Len Blavatnik, an American entrepreneur and philanthropist, Access Industries is a privately-held industrial group with strategic investments in the United States, Europe, and South America. With corporate offices in New York, London and Moscow, its holdings include a number of market-leading companies in the Natural Resources and Chemicals, Media and Telecommunications, Venture Capital, and Real Estate sectors. For more information, visit www.accessindustries.com.


Renova Group
Goldman Maksim
+7 (903) 968-7579
Kolychev Alexander
+7 985 970 27 17


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