12:56 uur 16-02-2018

Faculteitsbestuur en internationale toplieden bundelen krachten voor eerste internationale MOOC in bedrijfskunde van Georgetown

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Global Business in Practice, de zeer succesvolle grootschalige open online opleiding (MOOC) van de McDonough School of Business van de Universiteit van Georgetown, is vanaf nu geopend voor inschrijvingen.

Global Business in Practice is de enige MOOC van een bedrijfskundige topschool die academische colleges over het internationale bedrijfsleven combineert met de ervaringen van mondiaal opererende leidinggevenden uit verschillende sectoren. De opleiding van zeven weken, die op eigen tempo kan worden gevolgd, is een samenwerkingsproject van  het Global Business Initiative, het Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship van Georgetown, en edX.



Faculty and Global Executives Unite for First Global Business MOOC from Georgetown

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Global Business in Practice, the highly-successful massive open online course (MOOC) offered by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, is now open for enrollment.

Global Business in Practice is the only MOOC offered by a top business school to combine academic lessons on global business with the insights of global leaders across several industries. The self-paced, seven-week course is a partnership among the school’s Global Business Initiative, Georgetown’s Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, and edX. New to the second iteration is a module on global branding.

Participants learn from Georgetown professors, as well as through interviews with prominent global business leaders, including Joe Baratta, global head of private equity for Blackstone; Mark del Rosso, president and CEO of Bentley Motors, Inc.; Fabrizio Freda, president and CEO of Estée Lauder Companies; Alvaro Fernandez Garza, CEO of ALFA; Franck Moison, vice chairman at Colgate-Palmolive Company; Stephanie von Friedeburg, chief operating officer at International Finance Corporation; and Manuel Puig, vice chairman of Puig; among others.

“Only at Georgetown McDonough can you find a course that combines rigorous academic lessons in global business and how they apply to the real world, as seen through the eyes of c-suite executives,” said Ricardo Ernst, professor of operations and director of the Global Business Initiative. “Our MOOC provides access to these lessons and insights to participants from around the world who can complete the course at their convenience.”

The inaugural offering of the course attracted more than 5,000 participants from 160 countries, with over 500 entries posted to the discussion boards and approximately 1,300 assessments taken.

From seasoned business professionals to those just starting their careers, Global Business in Practice helps participants understand the latest issues facing today’s fast-paced global business environment. The MOOC includes high-quality lecture videos, poll questions, discussions, peer assessment exercises, and sources for further learning. Additionally, as a companion to the course, Ernst shares weekly posts on a dedicated website highlighting current global business issues that complement the MOOC sessions.

Learn more or sign up here.


Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business
Teresa Mannix, 202-687-4080

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