10:24 uur 20-09-2017

Biosafe Defenses LLC kondigt na tien jaar onderzoek baanbrekend ontsmettingsmiddel aan

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Biosafe Defenses LLC, wereldwijd toonaangevend met een geheel nieuwe soort, door licht geactiveerde ontsmettingsmiddelen, antibacteriële producten en biociden, heeft een belangrijk negende patent in de Verenigde Staten gekregen, getiteld “Conjugated Polyelectrolytes and Methods of Using the Same”. Het patent Nr.  9,750,250 is op 5 september 2017 uitgegeven. Op 14 augustus verkreeg Biosafe Defenses LLC al het Canadese patent Nr. 2,973,982. Europese en Aziatische patentnummers moeten nog volgen.

Het patent geeft Biosafe Defenses een methode een object te desinfecteren met gebruik van geconjugeerde poly-elektrolyten die worden geactiveerd door licht en zodoende schimmel, virussen, gisten en resistente bacteriën onschadelijk kunnen maken en vernietigen. Het patent geeft Biosafe Defensen het exclusieve recht op de levering van een anti-microbieel substraat dat met gepatenteerde geconjugeerde poly-elektrolyten langdurig bescherming biedt tegen ‘s werelds dodelijkste ziekteverwekkers, lang nadat de dodelijk werking van bleekmiddelen al lange tijd is uitgewerkt.



Biosafe Defenses LLC Announces a New Groundbreaking Disinfectant after 10 Years of Research

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Biosafe Defenses LLC (formerly Biosafe Technologies LLC), the world leader in the creation of an entirely new class of light-activated disinfectants, antibacterials and biocides for the home, hospitals and industry, has just announced the receipt of a critical ninth US Patent, entitled “Conjugated Polyelectrolytes and Methods of Using the Same.” U.S. Patent No. 9,750,250 issued September 5, 2017. Canadian Patent No. 2,973,982 allowed August 14, 2017. European/Asian Patent Numbers to follow.

The Patent grants Biosafe Defenses a method of disinfecting an object using light-activated conjugated polyelectrolytes (CPEs), which thereby can inactivate and destroy molds, viruses, fungal yeast, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. To perform this task, the Patent grants exclusivity to Biosafe Defenses to provide an antimicrobial substrate such as a wipe, tissue, bandage, medical device, surgical instrument, or even a textile that, when treated with Biosafe’s proprietary CPEs, delivers long-term protection against some of the world’s deadliest pathogens, long after bleaches have already lost their killing ability.

The technology envisions germ-killing clothing, or metals like surgical instruments or plastics such as the pull-down table of an airplane food tray, being coated with the technology, and thereafter enabling that object to kill bacteria or viruses on contact due to of the product’s light-activation technology. Diapers, sponges, countertops or food preparation surfaces could enjoy the same benefits. The hospital industry could especially benefit, as hospital-associated infections (HAIs) continue to be a growing concern for doctors, patients, and the cleaning staff who frequently fight to ward off multidrug-resistant strains that are often fatal.

“A better solution than bleaches or current disinfectants is needed, which Biosafe’s unique compounds can deliver,” said Biosafe CEO Dr. Harry Pappas. “This is a very important Patent for our company. The antimicrobials encompassed by this Patent are perhaps the most promising compounds in our library in that they are safe to use, yet still able to confer protection against even the most robust microbes. Several studies suggest that these compounds will perform very well in our anticipated EPA trials to come.”

ABOUT BIOSAFE DEFENSES LLC: Currently, the Company is in the process of developing a wipe which will deliver powerful disinfectant properties to everything that the wipe comes in contact with, from bed rails to door knobs and other germ carrying high contact surfaces. The company originated from technology jointly developed by The University of New Mexico and University of Florida funded by millions of dollars of Government research contracts over a ten-year span from the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The company has recently emerged from “stealth mode” and is seeking global industry partners for various applications of its technology.

Website: www.biosafedefenses.com


Biosafe Defenses LLC
Harry Pappas Ph.D., CEO
1-508-259-7796 / 1-800-488-2001

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