12:29 uur 15-09-2017

Digital Authentication: nieuwe kansen voor verbeterde klantervaring

Gelaagde detectie- en authenticatiemethoden die gelijke tred houden met fraudeontwikkelingen zijn van groot belang in de strijd tegen fraudeurs, zegt Aite Group

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Het nieuwst rapport van Aite Group, Digital Authentication: New Opportunities  to Enhance the Customer Journey, verkent initiatieven uit de handel en financiële sector voor een intuïtieve gebruikservaring. Financiële instituties en winkeliers besteden veel tijd en middelen om het consumenten zo makkelijk mogelijk te maken om geld uit te geven. Ondertussen verschuift een steeds groter aandeel van de bank- en retailtransacties in rap tempo naar online en mobiele kanalen, waarna criminelen volgen met snel veranderende innovatieve aanvallen.



Digital Authentication: New Opportunities to Enhance the Customer Journey

Layering detection and authentication methods that evolve with fraud will be instrumental in the struggle to stay ahead of fraudsters, says Aite Group.

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Aite Group’s latest report, Digital Authentication: New Opportunities to Enhance the Customer Journey, explores merchant and financial institution initiatives to create an intuitive user experience. FIs and merchants are spending a considerable amount of time and resources in their quest to make it as easy as possible for consumers to access and spend their money. Meanwhile, an increasing proportion of banking and retail transactions are quickly moving into the online and mobile channels, and criminals are following with rapidly evolving and innovative attacks.

A variety of technologies, such as biometrics, are now available that can bring both greater security and a superior user experience. However, the resulting cacophony of vendor messages can be confusing for FI and merchant executives as they work to understand the value of various technologies and determine the appropriate way to orchestrate an effective solution.

“An intuitive and easy digital user experience is table stakes for both banks and e-commerce merchants, but this is increasingly difficult to maintain as cyberattacks grow more frequent and sophisticated,” says Aite Group research director Julie Conroy. “Businesses that leverage technology to enable security in a responsive, frictionless manner will increasingly gain a competitive edge,” she says.

This report outlines the various digital channel fraud detection and authentication solutions, discusses their pros and cons, and provides a vendor mapping. It concludes with a discussion of the ways in which FIs and merchants can more nimbly evolve their protective strategies.

To request a press copy of this report or to speak with Julie Conroy about this topic, please contact us at pr@aitegroup.com.

About Aite Group:

Aite Group is a global research and advisory firm delivering comprehensive, actionable advice on business, technology, and regulatory issues and their impact on the financial services industry. With expertise in banking, payments, insurance, wealth management, and the capital markets, we guide financial institutions, technology providers, and consulting firms worldwide. We partner with our clients, revealing their blind spots and delivering insights to make their businesses smarter and stronger. Visit us on the web and connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Aite Group
Ames Shatzer, +1 617-398-5048
Public Relations

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