18:21 uur 07-09-2017

TRUSTECH, internationaal evenement voor vertrouwenstechnologie, maakt programma voor 2017 bekend

PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De tweede editie van TRUSTECH  brengt 250 internationale opiniemakers naar Cannes, waar ze op het podium staan van het Palais des Festivals. De 13.000 deelnemers aan het evenement krijgen de gelegenheid een van de thematische conferenties aan te toen. Die vinden van 28 tot 30 november 2017 plaats.

De conferenties zijn:

Gegevensbescherming en datagestuurde innovatie
Mobiele betalingen en portemonnees
Beveiliging van IoT
Authentificatie door biometrie
IoT en ‘connected’ handel
Baanbrekende fintech
Open innovatie : van Blockchain tot OpenAPI
eID & eGovernment
Kunstmatige intelligentie bij betalingen en fintech
Cyberbeveiliging & Fraudemanagement
Nieuwe betaalmogelijkheden voor nieuwe handel
Wettelijke problemen & PSD2



TRUSTECH, the Global Event Dedicated to Trust-Based Technologies, Discloses Its 2017 Programme

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– For its 2nd edition in Cannes, 250 international opinion leaders will be on stage at the Palais des Festivals. The 13,000 participants in the event will be able to attend one of the thematic conferences which will take place from 28 to 30 November 2017:

Data protection & Data-Driven Innovation
Mobile Payments & Wallets
Securing the IoT
Biometrics Authentification
IoT and Connected Commerce
FinTech Disruption
Open Innovation : From Blockchain to OpenAPI
eID & eGovernment
AI in Payments and FinTech
Cyber Security & Fraud Management
New Payments for New Commerce
Regulatory Challenges & PSD2

The following executives will give a keynote speech:

  • Régis Folbaum, Head of Payments, La Banque Postale
  • Chris Valasek, Security Lead, Uber
  • Didier Serodon, Chairman, Eurosmart
  • Nathalie Oestmann, Director, Head of Samsung Pay Europe
  • Damien Perillat, CEO, Paypal Southern Europe
  • Pierre Fersztand, Global Head of Cash Management, BNP Paribas Group
  • Eric Tak, Global Head, ING Payments Centre
  • Simon Schou, Chief Innovation Officer, Copenhaguen FinTech


INNOVATION, PRODUCT LAUNCH, STARTUPS & FINTECH PITCHES. TRUSTECH Innovation Stage is the central place in the event entirely dedicated to innovation. The worldwide community of innovators & disruptors will be there to present ideas and products to an international audience of potential customers, partners, investors and media. The Innovation Stage will also host the Fintech Pitch Awards and the Startups Pitch Sessions, as well as the ending ceremony of the famous SESAMES Awards.

About TRUSTECH: The event was first held over thirty years ago under the name «CARTES SECURE CONNEXIONS», to promote the newborn technology of smartcards. Now it has been re-named TRUSTECH to better reflect the way the industry and the event have evolved, and its focus on trust-based technologies. The event takes place every year at the end of November at the Palais des Festivals, Cannes on the French Riviera.

More Information and Press Pass on www.trustech-event.com


Media Contacts
Vianova Group
Sandra Codognotto, +33 1 53 32 28 58
Lisa Dubreuil, +33 1 53 32 28 37

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