10:52 uur 07-09-2017

solarisBank selecteert SIA voor lancering nieuwe contactloze betaalkaarten in Duitsland

MILAAN & BERLIJN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– solarisBank, een Duits bankplatform met volledige bankiersvergunning, heeft SIA geselecteerd voor de ondersteuning van een nieuw te lanceren, contactloze debetkaart en de ontwikkeling van elektronische betaalsystemen. SIA is een specialist in de verwerking van elektronische betaalsystemen.

Dankzij deze overeenkomst stuurt het technologisch platform van SIA de verwerking van transacties via betaalkaarten van solarisBank voor zijn cliënten.

De infrastructuur ter ondersteuning van de nieuwe NFC-betaalkaarten bestaat uit een geavanceerde service voor fraudebestrijding, geschillen en terugboekingen.



solarisBank Chooses SIA to Launch New Contactless Payment Cards in Germany

MILAN & BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– solarisBank, a German banking platform with a full banking license, has chosen SIA, a company specializing in the processing of electronic payments, to support the launch of new contactless debit cards and to contribute to the development of electronic payment solutions.

With this agreement, starting from now, SIA’s technology platform will manage the processing of transactions made using payment cards issued by solarisBank for its clients.

The infrastructure, supporting the launch of new NFC debit cards, will include an advanced service for the prevention and management of fraud, disputes and chargebacks. Among the innovative functions, there is also the 3-D Secure authentication tool for all online transactions and soon the possibility for the owner to manage the configuration of his or her cards in a simple manner via Internet.

SIA will also shortly make available to solarisBank more products and services like payment cards in other currencies and issuing in various countries.

“With its experience and know-how, SIA is a great partner for solarisBank to launch state of the art payment cards. The partnership is representative of our approach of including first-class companies on our banking platform. We’re excited to start serving our partners with our new card product and look forward to expanding our partnership with SIA into the development of further electronic payment solutions”, says Jörg Howein, Chief Product Officer of solarisBank AG.

“We are especially proud of the agreement with solarisBank which represents a further confirmation of our role as trusted technology partner in Germany, where we have already realized significant projects with major financial institutions”, commented Cristina Astore, Director of SIA’s International Division. “We are certain that the proven competence in the payments system and e-money sector, together with the innovation that has always characterized SIA, are a perfect match for solarisBank’s banking platform profile”.


Filippo Fantasia – Valentina Piana
Tel. +39 02.6084.2833/2334

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